Recent content by Briansmith8585

  1. Briansmith8585

    Help! Yellowing in center of leaves...

    I would say to flush with ph at 6.2 and give it a couple days and if you don't see a change add a little bit of nutes some plants are just real sensitive so just keep and eye on them but they should be fine.
  2. Briansmith8585

    watering question

    I was wondering the same thing and there just drinking it uo it's a good thing I water almost every day but I will go a day hear and there cuz it's good for then
  3. Briansmith8585

    Marijuana Seeds

    I ordered from sea of seeds and herbies I liked them both if I was to order again I would problem go with herbies but that just cuz they were faster
  4. Briansmith8585

    Yellowing tips on plants!

    I would say flush I'm kinda new and have went through this I like this stuff called sledgehammer by for farm it's like a cleaner and will help unlock your plant of flush the nuts out but you can just flush with water.
  5. Briansmith8585

    Hermie Concerns

    I just had the same thing to me happen i found to little nanners on one of the braches I don't want to kill the whole plant so I just plucked them and going to keep an eye on it what did or r u going to do
  6. Briansmith8585

    Help with humidity problem.

    Get a humidifier
  7. Briansmith8585

    When should i see buds?

    Be patients to me you will see male before female but mine take any wear from 7 to I think the one was close to 20 days before I knew for sure so patients
  8. Briansmith8585

    Seedling Stem leggy!

    Just let it go for a day I was thinking at first a water issue but maybe it's to humid I just read something about humidity and plant problems maybe look into that
  9. Briansmith8585

    Critical Jack seedling yellowing a bit at the tips

    I'm doing critical jack auto right now and mine did the same thing them seem to be real sensitive plant I would just flush with some 6.6 water and then if you have it add a little ff sledgehammer that's what I did with mine and they turned around over night mine was cased by ph problems so watch...
  10. Briansmith8585

    1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

    I didn't read the whole thing but how's the white widow and bib bud doing I just started a couple the are from female seeds I seen someone posted that but just wondering how those are wwxbb
  11. Briansmith8585

    DR90 running too hot :(

    84 really isent that bad anyways you will be able to drop it down with an air cold hood def worth the buy
  12. Briansmith8585

    male bubble hash,i just smoked

    I just chopped some Hermes and was wondering if you could make hash out of it I know it's kinda a dumb question seance it's has trikes on it but was still wondering
  13. Briansmith8585

    Please advise.

    Everything will be cool same thing happened to me and everything is and was fine
  14. Briansmith8585

    How to stop plants from stretching in flower

    I know bud blood will speed up the sexing process maybe that will help them stop stretching idk just something to think about
  15. Briansmith8585

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    I'm glad I came across this cuz I have one pc that is stretching crazy and I was wondering what I was going to do but now I know great thread