Recent content by Brandon Walker

  1. B

    shiiiiiit mane, i tink dat chu can jus go down to da rite aide and getcho hard carwd from der fo...

    shiiiiiit mane, i tink dat chu can jus go down to da rite aide and getcho hard carwd from der fo like tree hundet dolla o' somtin
  2. B

    Call me Crazy 400w HPS in a PC CASE!

    i have a "cooltube" design for my 250 watt CFL (actual wattage) with two 120mm fans in my 23" high, 22" deep, and 8.5" wide PC case and it really doesnt get that hot, unless the cooltube fans are off for even a minute or two, but id definitely like to know if stacking the fans on either the...
  3. B

    105Watt CFL distance from plant?

    kind of wondering the same thing, i am really hoping so as i just ordered some bulbs
  4. B

    Looking for "friendly" Doc in Kalamazoo area?

    alright, great! are you a chronic pain patient as well helacus?
  5. B

    24 hour Dark Period before Harvest and Let Completely Dry

    looks like i got somethin new to try next harvest :leaf:
  6. B

    caregiver with 4 yrs of horticulture schooling looking for patiences in the u.p area

    there are plenty of sites that are specifically made for joining patients with caregivers and caregivers with patients, the title of these threads is "Michigan Patients" not "caregivers looking for patients"
  7. B

    More Smaller CFL's? Or Less Bigger One's?

    i definitely have been wondering on this as well. im currently setting up 3 PC grow boxes and might do two with small bulbs and one with a big one or two just to see what kind of results i will get
  8. B

    caregiver with 4 yrs of horticulture schooling looking for patiences in the u.p area

    it seems like someone was running out of "patients" looking for the "patience" to find them... ...or is it payshents?
  9. B

    Could I grow a plant with this design?

    not efficiently, at all. your best bet at this point is probably to rotate your growbox a good 90 degrees to get those lights where they belong
  10. B

    i know this is kind of ghetto but will crushed up multivitamins work as fertilizer?

    i say try it, on one plant. see what happens. maybe you'll end up starting something new besides, no one ever got anywhere without a little experimenting :)
  11. B

    24 hour Dark Period before Harvest and Let Completely Dry

    what i have heard is that the plant produces trichs as a form of "sunblock" for the flower, and when the lights are on, or the sun is up, the trichs degrade, so when you have it sit in darkness there is uninterrupted trich production makes sense to me
  12. B

    Could I grow a plant with this design?

    true, im pretty sure i saw a vertical shoebox where a plant was grown to about 7 or 8 inches. haha
  13. B

    Could I grow a plant with this design?

    hmm... why are your lights so far away and not above the plant?
  14. B

    Help........ 1 plant 2 70 watt hps

    oh alright, yeah, i have sen those. They get pretty HOT so make sure you have good ventilation and I would suggest taking the glass out of the front. And yes, horizontal from the plants would definitely be your best bet, if you'd like some sort of side lighting you can hang a few CFL bulbs...
  15. B

    Help........ 1 plant 2 70 watt hps

    horizontal would be best. about 60% more light over vertical is about normal. it could also depend on what type of lights you have. do you have any pictures?