Recent content by Bobobalast15

  1. B

    Cleaning bottom

    They are identified as "growth suckers" but you have enough air flow. Looks good
  2. B

    General help

    What are you scroging❓
  3. B

    General help

    From my experience there is a lot of foliage clogging the air flow inside your canopy. Those are juicy looking nectar factories!
  4. B

    General help

    Stay strict with your veg cycle time. If you do 4 6 8 ... Wks veg do that for everyplant period. That is the biggest thing that the me off. I would veg by size and get either too many in flower or none at all. It's a learning curve that adds about 50 factors in at once.
  5. B

    I give up, this is not for me...

    Send it my way or try photoperiod. They tend to be easier to grow because of how forgiving the are