Recent content by BobCajun

  1. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Actually I do the extraction frozen, inside a freezer, there's no lipids that drop out. I tried leaving it in the freezer for 2 days and not one bit of precipitate. I actually forgot about that when I replied to the post saying my extract would have lipids in it like BHO extract. No lipids and...
  2. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Can't be much lipids in mine, because I've done a base extraction on it and there was very little weight loss, I got white crystalline THCA after acidifying with citric acid. The only thing left after the base extraction was a very small amount of reddish oil, presumably mostly THC because it...
  3. BobCajun

    Help! I’m stuck to my bubble hash!

    Forgot to mention, I did heat the glass container that I dried the resin in at first. I used the microwave to get it fairly hot after I spread it around, though not enough to actually make it bubble or anything, not even enough to boil water just fairly hot. You know how a microwave will heat...
  4. BobCajun

    Help! I’m stuck to my bubble hash!

    Won't it dry if you just spread it out on something glass so it's in a thin layer? I dry out iso extracted resin that I washed with water that way, takes about 24 hours. Then I scrape it off with a paint scraper blade, those ones that look like a one edged razor blade. If resin will dry that...
  5. BobCajun

    Kief Issues

    It's probably because it was enclosed in the jar and there was a fair amount of moisture in it. I decarb extract in a microwave myself. I put parchment paper in a pyrex bowl so it goes up to the edges like a paper bowl inside the glass one, then heat at low setting for about 90 minutes. It may...
  6. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    You got lucky there, with the Amazon price screwup. Butane does make a nice clear looking extract, it has quite a lot of extraneous stuff in it though, which is why it usually tests to about 70% THC/A. What's the other 30% huh? It's a mystery.
  7. BobCajun

    Glass Concentrate Jars - Canada

    Dollarama, they have nice little glass jars for cheap, 100 ml ones for $1.25, good for 100 g of decarb oil. They also have larger normal pickle jar size ones. I don't know if they have stores where you live but you can order online from their site. BTW, people who have read my posts before may...
  8. BobCajun

    Column of Frozen Buds Removed Chlorophyll

    Drying it out for 2 days didn't work out that great, because it was very resistant to melting. I guess it needs some moisture in it for the microwave to melt it well. I put it in there for 9 minutes total, and it still was only partially melted so I said screw it and just pressed the chunks...
  9. BobCajun

    Column of Frozen Buds Removed Chlorophyll

    Here it is after 2 days of drying, that got rid of the offensive more volatile terps. I don't want that crap in there, might as well smoke turpentine. It still has nice aroma, just not lung irritating vapors. I combined both cups of scrapings together to show the full amount. This is quite...
  10. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Oh, I see, I thought it was bubble burst splatter. Good work, you extracted that nicely. Probably costly to buy that special oven but as long as you're happy with the results then to you it was worth it. But, yeah, I'm the Cookie Monster.
  11. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Wow, it was mostly gas. Every time a bubble pops it ejects material all over the place, apparently. Alcohol is a lot easier all around, you can just wash it out with water.
  12. BobCajun

    Column of Frozen Buds Removed Chlorophyll

    Getting drier now, but still too stinky for my liking, I may leave it another day to dry those terps off, they irritate my lungs just in the room air so how bad would it be to purposely inhale them? Plenty, that's how. It's like oil paint, takes a while to dry the turpentine out. I scraped some...
  13. BobCajun

    Column of Frozen Buds Removed Chlorophyll

    All I got out of that green extract was 2 grams, only good for making black hash. No point putting more than three 500 ml bottles of 99% iso through a gallon column of bud, apparently, that gets virtually all of it. That's close to a pound of bud if dried, but I only let it hang for 48 hours...
  14. BobCajun

    Column of Frozen Buds Removed Chlorophyll

    So when that first drip got done and I took a good look at it there was still some slight green but very little. Then I tried pouring it through again and it came out green again, so apparently doing it more than once isn't a good idea. Anyway, so much for the bud column chromatography, it kind...
  15. BobCajun

    Column of Frozen Buds Removed Chlorophyll

    After a prior frozen extraction I thought there might be some residual resin in it so I left the column of frozen buds, column meaning a 1 gallon spring water bottle with the bottom cut off, in the freezer for like 6 weeks with plastic over the top held on with an elastic, the plan being to pour...