Hey bro, you know I'm moving shortly and I can't find anyone to take my plants. So I either chop and chunk them or think out of the bag. I want to take my Stinkbud system with me - and I'd like to take my plants too. So I hatched this insane idea: pull out the plants, put a plastic bag around the rootball and cinch it at the top with a rubber band. Gently insert the plant into one end of the Stinkbud system posts; cover the holes with thin, solid plastic or PVC, duct tape it down good, seal up the whole thing with celophane wrap. Tape the two posts together and wrap them in cardboard. Seal it up really good and ship it via UPS, second day air. It'll take me two days to get to my destination anyway. I should be there waiting on it when it's delivered. I can put some FRAGILE stickers on it and hopefully that will mean something. Do you think I've completely lost my fucking mind or do you think this could work?