Recent content by BMXfetish

  1. BMXfetish

    How to get 1 pound from a 600W HPS DWC System?

    Try Super Skunk from Nirvana.... I get 0.9GPW with a 430W Hortilux in a parabolic & GH Flora series / Pro Mix S.S. isn't very skunky... more sweet than anything else
  2. BMXfetish

    Using Molasses

    Hmmmmm.... ST delays or interferes with flowering ?? WITH ST use from seed to final flush I've got lotsa' pistils at 10 days, with ripe nugs at 60 days @ 0.9GPW (and hairy' buds, very little leaf' with my favorite SuperSkunk or Papaya) I'LL STOP USING ST DURING FLOWERING WITH THE NEW BATCH...
  3. BMXfetish

    Using Molasses

    Leafy nugs ?? .... my nugs are the total opposite of leafy !! (except if I'm growing a pure' White Widow which I haven't done in 5+ years.... they can get a little leafy) Because their service & reliablity is very good I've tried every strain from Nirvana.... with Super Skunk & Papaya being my...
  4. BMXfetish

    can i get in trouble for this

    YOU knowingly STOLE someones money AND think you're the good guy and HE'S the bad guy.... seriously ?? Sounds to me like typical Nazi & Christen "rationalization" Good luck with that one... THIEF
  5. BMXfetish

    Using Molasses

    Why NOT use ST during flowering ?? (I read through 5 pages of responses with no answer... maybe I missed it?) I've been using ST from seed to final flush since the late 80's with a usual 0.9GPW. I use 1-3 drops per gal every watering based on size/age of plant BUT if I can hear a good...
  6. BMXfetish

    Please Help !! Please Help !! Please Help !!

    Come on guys ... Are you reading the description ?? All you guys are just throwing out crap with nothing to back it up I have run this setup/these conditions for a long time with no problem. AND I have another room growing with another Caretaker..... SAME EVERYTHING with no problems. I'M...
  7. BMXfetish

    Please Help !! Please Help !! Please Help !!

    Well, I have done a few hours of research last night ...... From what I see/read, I don't see a Cal/Mg deficiency being the problem. ANY OTHER IDEAS ???
  8. BMXfetish

    Please Help !! Please Help !! Please Help !!

    Yea, you think so ?? Hmmm, might be the problem, I'll give it a try. Any idea what is causing the issue in the first place, and you ever seen these exact blotches caused by that issue ?? Thanks bud !! PLEASE keep up the good help guys !!
  9. BMXfetish

    Please Help !! Please Help !! Please Help !!

    -I have a 10X loupe and looked very very close for any bugs anywhere on the leaves/underneath/stems. -The blotches do go thru to the backside of the leaves. Can be seen underneath leave. -The blotches start kinda grayish/tanish, then go brown later. -They are often in a stripe pattern, as in...
  10. BMXfetish

    Please Help !! Please Help !! Please Help !!

    Thanks for your time mate !! I have seen/delt with Powdery Mildew before, and I don't think it's that. (if you could see in person, you could see up close it's a different problem I think). P.M. has a fuzzy look with "fuzzy edges", is more roundish in pattern, and white'sh in color. And...
  11. BMXfetish

    is it Dying or is it Done??

    Thanks for the advise Coastman .... Marking post for future reading.
  12. BMXfetish

    Please Help !! Please Help !! Please Help !!

    :wall: PLEASE HELP ME !! :D LONG time grower, but newbie to the site. Allow me to thank you in advance for any help !! Michigan Med card holder since 10-02-09 :weed: I've been growing for 20 years, and usually I'm the one others come to for growing advice. But I'm stumped on this problem...
  13. BMXfetish

    Advice Needed - Is my cabinet too crowded?

    You need a real light, period. If your going to risk a prison sentance, might as well make it worth it !!!
  14. BMXfetish


    It's people like you who ruin it for everyone else !!!! The MAN gives you permission to grow, and you can't even follow his simple rules. Your getting what you deserve !!