Recent content by blue...yum

  1. blue...yum

    Is this bud hermied????

    Yes since the plant was an infant it had clawed and never bounced back from that but it continue to grow, with a couple setbacks here and there but I tried my damnedest to make sure she would not hermie or be to stressed out. She is by herself in a 2 x 4 x 6 tent with 600watt lighting. The...
  2. blue...yum

    Is this bud hermied????

    A couple of my buds are skinny like this on my plant and look different. Is this a hermied bud? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. blue...yum

    Any ideas?

    i don't feel it is bad enough that I should kill the plant. It is still flowering. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. blue...yum

    Any ideas?

    Yes flornova is the thick brown stuff. I feed the plant a gallon of nutrients a week and refill with fresh water in between feedings. I keep it at 2 gallons between feedings because I didn't want to drown the roots. This is my first hydro setup . I keep the plant in the hydro clay pebbles.I have...
  5. blue...yum

    Any ideas?

    Sorry forgot to add that in. The plant is sitting in a 5 gallon bucket with 2 gallons of water with an air pump oxygenating the water Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. blue...yum

    Any ideas?

    I have tried everything with correcting deficiencies and nothing has worked. This plants is growing in hydro. I am using GH flornova bloom at this stage. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. blue...yum

    Sac maturity

    Looks like I separated my plants just in time. Last night I checked a couple sacs after removing all the leaves I could and tonight a couple opened up just like a flower and I was able to collect some pollen. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. blue...yum

    Sac maturity

    Awesome thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. blue...yum

    Sac maturity

    Ahh I see. Thanks. Do you know how long it takes for the pollen to be ready. Maybe a month or two? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. blue...yum

    Help with my plants...

    I have been growing my latest plants for 3 months now with the flora nova as well because it was given to me for free from my local grow shop. I must say I do not like flora nova. All of my plants are all doing funny things with the leaves and it's driving me crazy! Sent from my iPhone using...
  11. blue...yum

    Sac maturity

    Hello all, so 1 out of my 3 plants turned out to be a male. I have already taken the male out of the tent however I do want to save this plant for its pollen. How long does it take for the sacs to mature so I can get the pollen? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. blue...yum

    To early to transplant?

    Hi just looking to get others opinions on whether i should transplant these into a 3.5 gallon or if they can still grow more in the 1.5 without slowing down growth Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. blue...yum

    Temp ID Question

    I must say 200 or less an ounce for good weed is farfetched. Even national stats show the average price in MA for good buds is about 350 an ounce. Go online and research. Even forbes did an article about this, I find it very hard to believe your getting top bud for less than 200 bucks for an...
  14. blue...yum

    Temp ID Question

    I dont know what experiences you have had with whichever dispensaries but i have had nothing but positive experiences at the brookline dispensary. And i have to disagree with pretty much everything else you had said. They brookline dispensary does not charge anymore than what you would be paying...
  15. blue...yum

    Is this N toxicity

    Also last night is when I gave them the compost tea, 3 days before that is when I fed the nutrients. In between waterings and feedings I always give the foliage a very light, water only spray twice a day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk