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  • right on, lol, but make sure to use as little as possible, seems to stunt root growth when to many nutz in mix
    my 4' x 4 T5's cost like $200 at a hydro shop, and if ya can't find the black tubin.... look in yellow pages or google erigation shops for your area...... never thought of that, but ya that tubing might be hard to find in this season! but all the stores should be stocking up on those kinda supply's right soon, it is spring....
    in the efficients end.... the first cloner i did used a lid on the container how it wuz ment to be..... holy leak central! i had to add a min 1 litler a water a day, needed the lid to fit upside down, seems to solve that problem, also having that size of cloner with a seperate rez wuz way too bulky for my 3' x 5' space, now i can use the room more and the cloner is a single unit, very eacy to maintain... i also found in the first cloner i had lotza gunk build up cause of the unsealed rez....

    Nice eh, all just mechanical, fertiliz or light probs, those are seriously the only probs i had with the first one! that's why i down sized the cloner! not enought room for all the plants, i made the 80 site exspecting to have a min 5% to 10% failure rate, but no, the darn thing makes em all work..... Very Happy with it
    lol, how do country brother! not totally sure what ya mean by mtl? (qc?), but me a prairie dweller... he he he....

    as for the pump, i got it at a locl hydro shop, says NGW on the box, asked him and he said he gets them outa ontario, sorry, not much more help there....

    Now, as for the cloner success rate, the only time a plant died on me at all wuz after i tryed to keep my T5's within 8" of the plants in there first few days! you can stall them out by using to much fert in the cloner mix, lol, i did that by trying to use rooting agent in the mix... NO GOOD... lol, i found this Growzyme stuff that helps roots but it's not a stimulator, and you even gotta use it at a way weak mix....even stalled them with this before!.... best thing to use is just water, and if ya gonna use the air stone in the rez, get ready for a ph battle (less u use RO water)
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