Recent content by blonddie07

  1. blonddie07

    Growing Larry OG, and Chem D x SFV OG (seed from cali connection)

    ::sigh:: I guess I have to go to icmag :(
  2. blonddie07

    how much is 5ml lol

    5ml = 1 tsp :)
  3. blonddie07

    Blonddie's grow, Hydro, hps, afghan/ortega *flowering*

    Hey! haha i jsut got back to rollitup... been a little busy... im actually growing in COCO now but i could help you with any aero questions if you would like.. Grew aero for 1.5 years.
  4. blonddie07

    Growing Larry OG, and Chem D x SFV OG (seed from cali connection)

    Hey guys, Ill get some pics up soon. But I overhauled all my grow. Growing now: Some dj shorts Flo (things look INSANE!!! ill post pics) Coco, with house and garden nutes, in 20 gal shallow tubs with a drip system. I got 600+400 HPS cooled sun systems hoods for a 4x4 room. (there is 2 4x4...
  5. blonddie07

    3 Clones not watered for 8 hours, will it die?

    Anyone? lets say, the PPM of the tap water is 750 (which it is) and i want to feet a plant 300PPM of nute. should the PPM be 1050? Will this burn the plant? since only 300PPM of nute is being used for a young clone? and the 750PPM is not NUTE concentrate?
  6. blonddie07

    3 Clones not watered for 8 hours, will it die?

    Thanks for the reply! Im pretty sure it was the water, the 1 inch RW cube it was in was a little dry as well. it was COMPLETLY dry when i checked. and the plant was lifeless.. :(
  7. blonddie07

    3 Clones not watered for 8 hours, will it die?

    The plant is realllly dropped out, and really looks dead. will these plants revive? I use homemade aero cloner, and the pump got clogged so there was no water going to the roots. These were ROOTED ClONES
  8. blonddie07

    Alex Jones/Zeitgeist Debate

    Alex Jones is the biggest pile of shit. He makes money by promoting fear. All those movies he endorses are all BULLSHIT. Its just made to make some cash. The guy is a millionaire i hope you guys know. He doesn't give a rats ass...
  9. blonddie07

    She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!

    As far as the debates go, Palin said some odd things: first she says "The American people want less government in their life", then she goes and says 2 or 3 times that we "...need the government by the side of the people". She says we don't need government but yet she said we need government...
  10. blonddie07

    Get Edumacated ... Vote Smart ...

    I didn't mean an "attack" Vi, I honestly wanted to read where the hell Obama becomes a socialist and will turn America into a socialist nation, and how mccain is going to keep it real, and keep it "American" From those 2 reads, honestly its all opinion, i want to see a government issued release...
  11. blonddie07

    Get Edumacated ... Vote Smart ...

    Ok perfect, where on the net (at gov site or maybe some good credible source) can i read on obama creating more fed power and mccain on less spending?
  12. blonddie07

    Really BAD tasting bud? How to fix?

    Good idea! ill try.
  13. blonddie07

    Get Edumacated ... Vote Smart ...

    Look, i wouldn't say our government is always lying to us, but they have to sometimes to keep people calm. I know it would be great to know EVERYTHING that goes on in the government, but if this were to happen, the world would look a LOT different, maybe even towards the negative side. there...
  14. blonddie07

    Really BAD tasting bud? How to fix?

    well only been 9 days of curing, the smell IS dying down, but the taste and odor is still there. Water curing wont work?