Recent content by Blk5g

  1. B

    Update to my first grow and a question for the pros.

    Here are my two jagermeister girls, the first 2 pictures are from may 20ish and they were 3 weeks old. The bottom two pics are from today. Now my question is, am I on the right path I feel like the growth stunted a bit maybe a lot idk. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.
  2. B

    New here and this is my first...

    Little update, got her in a bigger pot and topped.
  3. B

    New here and this is my first...

    I haven’t forgot about you man, I’ll post everything I’ve used so far tonight.
  4. B

    3 Weeks from germination

    Jagermeister, found a few seeds in a bag I had. I searched for any kind of growing tips on the strain but it seems to be a new strain because I couldn’t find anything on the web at least. I got them both under regular led bulbs maybe 65 actual watts hitting them. Planning on buying an actual led...
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    3 Weeks from germination

    *left* Got her in a bigger pot and topped her, hope I did everything right. The one on the right is my survivor she’s battled back from the depths of hell lol.
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    3 Weeks from germination

    Preciate it!
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    3 Weeks from germination

    1st grow, I’m learning on the go. If you guys see anything wrong with my girl please let me know. I’m not the worlds best photographer so I’m sorry if my angles suck.
  8. B

    New here and this is my first...

    @dajestergrow I'm watering when I feel the soil needs it, might be 2 days sometimes 3. I’m a freak about not overwatering. I also don’t flood my soil, I water a circle around so the roots have to stretch out to get the water. And I water with bottled purified water from Walmart.
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    New here and this is my first...

    Thank you man, I wish I knew off top of my head but I don’t, it’s not any of the cool flashy names everyone talks about, I loaded it with extra perlite and some nutes from jump street 2-2-2 and I’ll be honest with you I put about 10x more than I was supposed to due to my ignorance but maybe Im...
  10. B

    New here and this is my first...

    Hello everyone, I’m new here and decided to get some feedback from you guys. I lucked up and found a seed in my Jagermeister stash and decided to plant it. This is her 3 weeks after germinating. Pictures are 3 days apart. I have a horrible setup but I’m winging it as I go. All feedback is welcomed.