Recent content by Blinkstoomuch

  1. Blinkstoomuch

    Nute question..

    Wow, Frosty nice plant! Just picked up some Low Ryder seeds myself. I hope mine turns out as pretty as yours. p.s. Like the Signature, support underground artists all round. I've got one for ya Nobody Famous is about to break. He's outta Athens, GA. - Nobody Famous (Artist/Producer)...
  2. Blinkstoomuch

    Photography and bud my two Loves Combined. Critique my pics.

    Great photos Micro! The skulls are my fav. clap..clap..clap..clap..deep in the heart of Texas!
  3. Blinkstoomuch

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    Earl I will definetly keep ya'll up to date. Im gonna finish what I got going now in a few more weeks. Then I will clean my system and make sure to give some really good photos inside and out. They will be incorporated in the journal thread. I'm kinda new to forums, but this one seems to be full...
  4. Blinkstoomuch

    Better Ballast: Digital or Magnetic?

    Cool, sorry about the miscomunication. I'm kinda new to Forums. Sometimes I get Exited:mrgreen:. Keep on Growin!
  5. Blinkstoomuch

    Marijuana Seeds

    Thats the best reply I think i've ever heard.
  6. Blinkstoomuch

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    Nice Bud Earl! I currently have a fogger incorperated into my aero system. I am planning a Journal complete with photo gallery on my next grow. I will be sure to keep ya'll up to date.
  7. Blinkstoomuch

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Wow, Thanks Fdd! Up until now I've been cloning/buying/sharing for stock. With that little tutorial I think you might have just pushed me into a Breeding kinda grower.
  8. Blinkstoomuch

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    Foxworth, first off I start my cuttings in an american agritech 70 site power cloner. I usually end up with at least 80% quality germ. My setup consists of six 6" pvc tubes in a flat plane with a 1/4" drop on one side for drainage. The 3" net pots are suspended in holes cut into the tube about...
  9. Blinkstoomuch

    Better Ballast: Digital or Magnetic?

    LoudBlunts, I think you misunderstood me. Sorry about the tech jargon.:mrgreen: The lumatek I'm using is digital, and dual spectrum(switchable). What I meant when I said that it was a dual ballast is that it has two output cords for two seperate bulbs. I really don't know when or if it will be...
  10. Blinkstoomuch

    What Ever Happened to Fogponics

    Wow, I've been looking for a thread about ultrasonic foggers all evening. I can't believe more folks don't know about this. I have been using the 6 head nutramist fogger for about 8 months now in conjunction with a homemade aero system. It has small ultrasonic transducers (they're actually tiny...
  11. Blinkstoomuch

    No heat = no IRchoppers?

    Hey, I hate to just jump in. Ya'll were the only thread about heat detection talking about polyshield. I have been looking to add some to my setup, but was unshure of its effectiveness. Because of the substantial price difference between it and mylar I didnt want to just go out and get some. I...
  12. Blinkstoomuch

    Better Ballast: Digital or Magnetic?

    I switched over to digital last year. I have to say, the initial difference is almost unnoticeable, but it's been about 10 1/2 months and I've only experienced about a 10% drop in luminocity. I was buying new bulbs every 6 months with my magnetic ballasts. I mainly wanted it for the...
  13. Blinkstoomuch

    Rollitup Rawx!

    Thanks Lacy! The south shines in me, even when I'm standin in the dark.:peace:
  14. Blinkstoomuch

    Rollitup Rawx!

    Yeah, we got some snow today in GA. Luckily all my ladies live inside. I did just start some strawberries in the greenhouse. I hope they take. Anyways, thanks for the welcome:mrgreen: Oh, and your avatar Kicks Ass!
  15. Blinkstoomuch

    Rollitup Rawx!

    Hey everybody! I just signed up to involve myself in your forums, and I have to say I'm kinda exited. I have been parusing the threads for a few hours now. I have to say that I am very impressed with everyone's cander, willingness to share, overall courtesy, and especially knowledge. I have been...