Recent content by BLID

  1. BLID

    Bud washing question

    Me, too! This is an OPEN, indoor environment which likely has been contaminated exactly as you describe.
  2. BLID

    Bud Washing

    Indoor grown bud, in an OPEN environment, benefits from washing!
  3. BLID

    Bud Washing

    Good decision! Me, too!
  4. BLID

    Bud washing with H202 affect terpenes?

    Washed OG Kush smokes more smoothly than unwashed, before curing! Also, washed and cured OG Kush, is more aromatic and tastier than unwashed.
  5. BLID

    Homemade oil for my vape pen

    We probably bought the same machine. Can you help decipher the instructions?
  6. BLID

    My Good Sh!t Has Some Worm Sh!t. Thoughts? Knowledge? Help?

    Been cuttin', dunkin', hangin', 2 days now! Thinkin', hopin', and wonderin'? Washed 3 BEST YET "indoor" yielders :weed: in 5gal., aerated (24hr.) rainwater, ONLY! Takin' deep breaths, havin' NEVER BEFORE washed buds. Sorry for low quality pics. Left: Removed fan leaves ONLY, pre-wash; Right...
  7. BLID

    My Good Sh!t Has Some Worm Sh!t. Thoughts? Knowledge? Help?

    hotrodharley, Obviously, eh? Not to this newbie! Please elaborate.o_O
  8. BLID

    My Good Sh!t Has Some Worm Sh!t. Thoughts? Knowledge? Help?

    Oh Canada!:clap::clap::clap: NONE of the content of my many jars was washed. :idea: Use a salad spinner?
  9. BLID

    Organic nut burn from compost tea?

  10. BLID

    Illinois legalization Jan 1st 2020!!!

    Disappointment only, not deterrence if passage is delayed. This "Bill" has many excellent provisions!:weed:
  11. BLID

    H.A.F. growing stink-flowers in dirt with QB's

    You're growing for us all. Thanks!
  12. BLID

    Nova Ardent lift decarboxylator - DON'T BUY !!!

    That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
  13. BLID

    Nova Ardent lift decarboxylator - DON'T BUY !!!

    Mirrors my experience.
  14. BLID

    Fire light and your plants

    The burners light intermittently but frequently all day and night during the heating season, here!
  15. BLID

    I'm moving to absolute darkness absolutely necessary?

    Moonlight, starlight, streetlight, headlight, firefly light are mostly unavoidable outdoors, so I've often wondered why "total darkness" is "de rigeur" indoors!