Recent content by Blazeftw

  1. B

    just wanted to show off

    how long were your plants in veg for?
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    20 Days flowering bagseed CFL's

    sorry i just have a quick question about fert, bigtime fert nub here, killed my last plants by foliar feeding with a spray bottle (yes there was fert in it and it was during the light lol). so with FF do you just mix the amount into water and then water the soil, THEN water on top of that? or...
  3. B

    **PLANT PROBLEM!** (pics included)

    yeah soil is too acidic which prob means over fert. i wouldnt have gone with the feeds up to 3 months food, i used that my plants were fine at first then they eventually got owned (due to serious over fert spraying during the day when the lights were on, which is just stupid.) and over...
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    100% this bad?

    ah ok. yeah to 1st poster, growin indoors btw. but yeah when we used perilite i noticed the whole drainage aspect...good stuff. really hopin this grow will go alot better, just doin 2 seeds from amsterdam (ice...looks stinky) thanks for the input.... not having perilite/verm isn't...
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    100% this bad?

    i've used perilite before and it def did not hurt the plants, but now i am using all soil nothing else. is this totally n00b?
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    early toppings and a cherry on top

    yeah what you said about the end there, you are so right about that b/c i killed my last plant foliar feeding during light (powder mixed into water spray bottle) well now i know for next time.
  7. B

    24/24 better than 18/6?

    this is true regardless of veg/flower. and yeah plants grow the most during the dark, they are just taking in the light to use (but yes they grow a lil bit during the light still). id go with 18/6 ovr 24, just b/c ive read elsewhere many a time that plants can only absorb 18hrs of light a day.
  8. B

    Ph . . Important or just plain anal.

    yeah i was going to ask the same, how old is that, when did u put your germ'd seed in the soil? nutes>your godly piss and coffee grounds imho. I aint no expert, but i'd go with the nutes you can buy. has great stuff
  9. B

    Day Eleven

    would the foxfarm Grow Big (12-7-7) be more suitable than a 20-20-20? and damn that website is awesome btw,
  10. B

    do they sell good nutes for flowering at walmart

    yeah dude i bought that crap from....kmart lol (miracle gro) but it said it had enough "food" to feed the plant for 3 months. anyways at first we didnt add anything and it was growing a shitload everyday. but my clones i used organic, and i would use organic (soil that is). petersons 20-20-20...
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    Seeds from

    yeah dude i ordered 10 feminized ICE from them. it took a while to get to California, and i actually havent started germinating them yet even, but anyways...the actual bud/plant looks insane on their website. came super discreet, it was sick.
  12. B

    The Pot Cave !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dude that cave is sick lol.
  13. B

    It's OFFICAL!

    95 days veg? jesus. if done right that thing must be insanely big. how tall?
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    shes mad cute end of story.
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    LOL "by the man". yeah he probably is really busy. depends which state hes in...