Recent content by bigtoker12

  1. B

    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    there is like lil green things inside that are kinda hard but when i squeeze them they pop and a little watery substance comes out. almost like popping a pimple
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    here are some more pics with red circles around what i am talking about.
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    yeah i was pretty fucking mad yesterday hahahaha
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    yeah i am going to try and take better pics here in a few its hard to tell how good they really are on a little digital camera screen and those were just the first few i took.
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    so just let it be because its already done? on my next grow will there still be pollen in the room? if so what do i need to do to clean it out?
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    i can try and get better pics i just dont want to leave some together if they all arent even though i have no where else to move them...i would just have to kill them. if there are some that havent yet are they going to get seeds because the others did if left together?
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    here are some pictures i still cant tell if they are for sure. anyone have any ideas? i can try to get better pics if these arent good enough they were the best ones though.
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    there is a good amount of them it would take a min
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    so you would let them all grow and get seedy but have more yeild? it looks like they are going to be pretty seedy. there are alot of spots where it looks like seeds on the buds.
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    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    i busted open one of those banana pollen sacks but i dont know what caused them to appear. it may have been the light cycle. the power kept going on and off from a storm and then the bulb burned out two days later on my 600w hps this may have helped cause it.
  11. B

    hey whats up? do u have facebook? if so lets be friends :) lol

    hey whats up? do u have facebook? if so lets be friends :) lol
  12. B

    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    even though the plants have stopped using energy for the buds and is now concentrating on the production of seeds?
  13. B

    hermie week 5 in flowering?

    My plants have all turned hermie in week 5 of flowering and are starting to form lil pollen balls on the buds. Should I chop them down early or let them finish?
  14. B

    HELP...first grow...grower STILL thinks these are hermies....can someone look...

    yeah I just came across my first hermie batch on my second grow... is it better to let them finish or pull them early?... I am 5 weeks into flowering what should I do? sorry to thread jack or anything but just curious.