Recent content by BigDaddyJack

  1. B

    What’s wrong with my weed plant?

    and yes that is a rusty metal sign haha, it’s a little rusted at the top but not the posts, my girlfriend thought it made it look cuter...
  2. B

    What’s wrong with my weed plant?

    the spring water is publix spring drinking water but i just changed to distilled water as i’ve heard it works well. i went to home depot to get a ph balance tester but sadly they did not have one. i was afraid that the soil i was using may be giving it too much nutrients. the light was...
  3. B

    What’s wrong with my weed plant?

    Hello could someone help me out? i’m not too sure what’s wrong with my marijuana plant but it looks as if the leaves are a little burnt and starting to shrink up. i’ve been using just regular spring drinking water but recently (today) switched to distilled. the soil is miracle grow potting mix...