Recent content by BigCeeGoodTree

  1. BigCeeGoodTree

    Has anyone used Tree Star Seed Bank?

    F#%k “TREE STAR SEED BANK” my 1st time I used them it took extra long but they were in communication with me, I purchased twice after that and they were on point both times no long delays at all. This last time omg, they didn’t even respond bck to my email for two wks before I filed a complaint...
  2. BigCeeGoodTree

    LED’s…… which direction???

    Im starting with one so long as it’s nothing too crazy I’ll be able to get it. So basically 1000w is what I need to be in search of?
  3. BigCeeGoodTree

    LED’s…… which direction???

    I am currently running 1000w hps double end lights but thinking strongly about converting over to LED’s. Problem being, I have no idea or the direction I should be going in. Can anyone who’s knowledgeable educate me to what’s the best light to switch out my 1000w hps. I also hear they have...
  4. BigCeeGoodTree

    ~7 weeks since 12 / 12

    Good job
  5. BigCeeGoodTree

    ~7 weeks since 12 / 12

    Looks good
  6. BigCeeGoodTree

    ~7 weeks since 12 / 12

    Haaaaa ha ha ha you’re better then the feds I might need your help on a few thing haaaahaha
  7. BigCeeGoodTree

    ~7 weeks since 12 / 12

    Hey you’re right brother I apologize no beef no ill energy it’s bad for the human soul again my fault sir!!!
  8. BigCeeGoodTree

    ~7 weeks since 12 / 12

    EEEWWWW BIG MAD, yeah sounds like a virtual tough guy to me
  9. BigCeeGoodTree

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    Neptune and attitude are my go too
  10. BigCeeGoodTree

    I personally wouldn’t listen to tht guy, you looking good!!! Get you one of those microscopes to...

    I personally wouldn’t listen to tht guy, you looking good!!! Get you one of those microscopes to see wht your tricombs are doin thts the best way tht guy dnt knw wht the fcks hes talkn about he’s just saying some shit!
  11. BigCeeGoodTree

    5x9 gorilla tent humidity issue

    No doubt I agree I just ran across the vid and thought I’ll share the knowledge. I also tried it, and seen the difference but I like my fans blowing he help keep my nighttime a lot cooler
  12. BigCeeGoodTree

    5x9 gorilla tent humidity issue

    Me personally, I would definitely put the dehumidifier in there and exhaust the heat but wht I just found out by listening to Kyle Kushman is tht if you turn your fans off whn the lights go off tht drops ur humidity a little. NOT EXHAUST fan just fans sitting in grow!
  13. BigCeeGoodTree

    Where’s the Mother Earth 70/30 coco perlite ?

    Which brand do you use?