Recent content by bigbudmike

  1. bigbudmike

    Armoire 300w Stealth Grow Cabinet

    All good. I used to use someone elses piss but never tried the bleach before. Heard it works, the last place I drug tested made me wash my hands first though.
  2. bigbudmike

    step by step how to super crop

    Im not sure that some of you are understanding the concept. Super cropping is a technique for diverting the growth path of the plant. It is not directly intended to strengthen any branches. If one branch or stem is growing faster and higher than the rest (typically the main stem/cola) you...
  3. bigbudmike

    Armoire 300w Stealth Grow Cabinet

    No prob.... and thank you!
  4. bigbudmike

    Armoire 300w Stealth Grow Cabinet

    Not sure where this came from but since on the topic, I use the synthetic piss that you buy online. It has a really long shelf life and you just keep it with you at all times. I comes with a little warmer that is good for four hours so you can just pop it on there and 30min later you are...
  5. bigbudmike

    Armoire 300w Stealth Grow Cabinet

    I wish it was a stealth grow but for the time being the cabinet is in storage waiting for the right time and place to be put into action. Thanks anyway though. I put alot of time, money, and man hours into that cabinet and it is going to be perfect once I get it up and running.
  6. bigbudmike

    Florida Growers Thread

    Then welcome to R.I.U. Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times and thank you for riding..... :)
  7. bigbudmike

    RV Mobile Grow Room?

    HAHA well from all the negative feed back I gues its not a good idea after all :( I just thought it would be cool to cruise around and have evryone thinking im living the retired life when actually........ oh well
  8. bigbudmike

    RV Mobile Grow Room?

    I like the semi trailer idea but I already have the RV and was wondering if I could do it with what I already had. It would take some time and money to get it right but I think it could be done. This is something I would be doing in the distant future anyway. Didnt plan on running out and...
  9. bigbudmike

    RV Mobile Grow Room?

    The bus is cool but wouldnt work for this, to many windows. I was concerned with the smell and figured that I would have to put up some of the insulating board they sell at home depot and seal the edges with some metal duct tape. Add a nice sized charcoal filter and I dont think it should be...
  10. bigbudmike

    RV Mobile Grow Room?

    Using a charcoal filter and 400cfm fan should be more than enough to take care of the smell... Right? The places I am talking about arent campgrounds, They are long term mobile home / Rv Rental sites. They arent as crowded together as the camp ground places are. I lived in the RV for over...
  11. bigbudmike

    RV Mobile Grow Room?

    I have a 30' Coachman RV and was sitting there thinking to myself how cool it would be to try and turn it into a mobile grow room. I have lived in that RV and bounced from rental site to rental site. None of those people give a shit about who you are or what you are doing there, so it shouldnt...
  12. bigbudmike

    step by step how to super crop

    First: Why are you supercropping so many areas on the same stalk? Second: Did you try to do all those areas on the same day at the same time? Third: When supercropping are you squeezing really hard or gentely? There is no need to supercrop multiple times on the same stalk like that...
  13. bigbudmike

    step by step how to super crop

    The problem with trying to lollipop is that you have to cut some limbs and the more you cut the more stress you put on your plant. The more stressed the plant is the more likely you are to stunt growth and/or yield. Try to limit the stress you put on your plant as much as possible.
  14. bigbudmike

    step by step how to super crop

    Thats the same thing but he wanted to supercrop all but the top which will result in a huge top cola but yet it will slow the growth of the side limbs, It all depends on what you are trying to achieve in the process. The benefit of super cropping the top is that the side limbs get the chance...
  15. bigbudmike

    Armoire 300w Stealth Grow Cabinet

    Those were made using some Glass tubes that they sell at Michaels craft store. I bought some Plumbers tape (thin flat metal) and bolted my lights to it then wrapped it around the outside of the glass. The rubber pieces were bought from homedepot in the plumbing section. I used Zipties to hold...