Recent content by benign

  1. benign


    I've thought about doing this before but couldn't ever get my hands on a couple of decent priced concentrators, I would love to see some pics of this in action. I've since converted to organic dirt so I won't be using this anytime soon but I've been thinking of running a DWC system with an O2...
  2. benign

    How much longer

    Thanks, there are actually a lot of helpful people on this site, but sometimes they don't see the thread for a bit and it can take awhile to get a reply. Good luck on the grow and I hope we can see some pics in a few weeks when those bitches have fattened up.
  3. benign

    How much longer

    From the pics looks like they still have a while, but not knowing the strain it's really hard to tell. Try taking a flashlight and shining it on your plant and then use the loupe, the one that I have has a built in LED and it does wonders for being able to make out colours...using the flashlight...
  4. benign

    1000w 4x4 tent- 10 strains organic soil grow

    No worries you wouldn't put me out at all, my wife has an antique business on the side and most of what we sell ends up going over to China or Eastern Europe so the Post Office or DHL are pretty much always on our daily chores list. The offer still stands though, when I lived in Romania for a...
  5. benign

    1000w 4x4 tent- 10 strains organic soil grow

    From what I was reading I think that 62-65% was about perfect for storage, they make a couple others also...I could probably ship some up to you, most likely it would be cheaper, if you want me to check on rates I can see how much it would run and send them out...not a huge deal, you could just...
  6. benign

    My first grow -- thin stem, and slow growth it seems?

    Cool idea, I think that I'm going to give that a shot tonight on a test plant and see what happens, makes sense though, sort of a supercropping technique...although thinking about it a little more I wonder how much (or if) it will stunt growth...only one real way to find out.
  7. benign

    These Are Great

    Yeah I picked them up because GudKarma had mentioned them...once I looked into them a little more they seemed like they may be useful, for my situation it's nice to be able to tape a couple to the lid and be able to forget about the jars for a bit and go on with normal life...also I sort of suck...
  8. benign

    These Are Great

    Very nice thanks for the info...if you don't mind me adding something related to curing...I just found these fairly cheaply and ordered a bunch, seems like a good deal...
  9. benign

    1000w 4x4 tent- 10 strains organic soil grow

    Ok...been awhile since I posted, been sort of busy with life lately but I'll put up some pics this weekend, all are looking good so far probably about 2 weeks out from harvest on most of them, trichs are still cloudy with no amber to be seen yet. In preparation for curing I picked up some 62%...
  10. benign

    How I Beat the Saliva Swab OraSure Test, while High, with no Warning or Preperation.

    Why did I read this as a Salvia test....I was like WTF when did they start testing for Salvia...hmmm, one of those days I guess
  11. benign


    I just had a bit of a PM battle a couple weeks ago...Serenade is what I used, cheap (about 8 bucks) and also OMRI listed so it is organic. Says it can be used up until the day of harvest however I don't think that I would use it that close to harvest. So far I've had good results PM has been...
  12. benign

    Hey cali i got a Question ....what is a "love" price for a qp

    Great advice and the Karma you get back in return will be much better than the little bit of money you may receive, money is great but doing something good for another human being always feels better than buying yourself a new toy...not saying you should give everything away, definitely make...
  13. benign

    Need advice on purchasing seeds This is who I use...very reliable, very stealth, very good prices and great customer service...I always use my own Visa in my name with my real address on it and have never had an issue at all. Attitude also has good reviews but Sannies is one of the best as far as...
  14. benign

    Weed on Domestic Flight??

    Florida has some harsh weed laws if you get's one thing boarding from Cali, you have some sort of excuse but with the way FL is I wouldn't even risk it there especially at an airport your just asking for problems taking it on. Sending it is probably the best idea...if you call ahead...
  15. benign

    1000w 4x4 tent- 10 strains organic soil grow

    Querkle definitely classifies as a short plant, mine is about 2' tall right now which is around the height that I generally stick to, she should be all done stretching now so I think thats as big as she is gonna get.