Recent content by Ben-Ben

  1. B

    Designated grower seeking, patients

    bigmanc ive called a few places and driven around most doctors and clinics in toronto are profit driven they will only sign MMPR paperwork,, so your tied to a LP.. they refuse to sign an Open prescription period. and worse yet, wont sign more than 3 grams.. i will get 90 grams a month, meaning 9...
  2. B

    Designated grower seeking, patients

    @doingdishes one patient is fine for me i dont need a million,, @red jedi I am going under the ACMP i found a clinic finally that will sign the papers my fucking doc was being a douche wouldn't do over 3gram a day and wouldn't sign open prescription wanted only LP so he can receive kickbacks
  3. B

    Designated grower seeking, patients

    @The Hippy i agree with you, but thing is Ive got a spine injury so i use extract plant material and it yields about 8-10% then i infuse it in a creame so i can toppically apply it to my back. I do not want to sell the BM or an LP, i simply i want to do my own shit, and if it does indeed become...
  4. B

    Designated grower seeking, patients

    Dont really care what your opinion is, everyone is subject to coming to an agreement before designating me anyway so your assumptions are quite dumb. given that if they choose to make it a financial transaction fine if not the option is there to procure it for free :)
  5. B

    Designated grower seeking, patients

    i do not want to sell anyone so why the fuck would i apply yo become an LP your missing the point,.. i just want to be able to grow 100 plants not a lot, and have like 10 different strains that's it.. Im not trying to sell my product period. other then to the patient which in this scenario i...
  6. B

    Doctor Help

    I'm in Ontario
  7. B

    Designated grower seeking, patients

    @torontomeds your just one fucked up idiot, lucrative does not apply I'm going to make a million bucks off them, I was thinking more along the lines of providing free bud to our patients but that really is none of your business the 5gpd or higher allows me to grow more plants, therefore...
  8. B

    Designated grower seeking, patients

    @SirLoweed please do a search before making incorrect statements, there is considerable amount of RIU users from what I've seen in other posts who are unable to grow or cannot grow.. So I do not see why an attractive enough offer to a prospective patient would not be good enough to convince...
  9. B

    Designated grower seeking, patients

    Hi guys I've got a large facility in Toronto, Ontario.. that i can use to grow some herbs, I'm primarily looking for patients that have a GPD ( Grams per day ) of 5 or higher. send me a msg, and we can perhaps work out some lucrative offer that works out for both of us :) Happy Designated...
  10. B

    Doctor Help

    Hi guys, I've run into a bit of an issue my doctor had prescribed me 5 grams a day 2 years ago, and then i switched doctors he gave me 3 grams a day, my prescription is now up for renewal problem is.. I was smoking it and now instead i am extracting it into a concentrate and infusing it into a...
  11. B

    Water Pressure Regulator Valves

    Is anyone aware of a stainless steel pressure valve that can do do 10-20 to 120 PSI Also, anyone here familiar with Bete XAAD Nozzles I've managed to source a few just wondering if anyone has any inputs on those aswell
  12. B

    hey dude how did the bete nozzles work out for you?

    hey dude how did the bete nozzles work out for you?
  13. B

    Canadian COBs

    Mildgro its seems next to impossible even digikey has only like 14-20 units in stock at any given time max ive ever seen is 50
  14. B

    Various Spectrum High Efficiency LED

    Cobkits, I've got a reflow, hot air station :), only missing infrared and not a chinese hot air either, from JBC :D
  15. B

    Various Spectrum High Efficiency LED

    @CobKits pass on the part numbers I love soldering lol, I've got all sorts of soldering equipment needing a reason to be used lol.