Recent content by bchboy147

  1. bchboy147

    Aeroponic Ph Range?

    Thanks I appreciate it!
  2. bchboy147

    Aeroponic Ph Range?

    I have built my own aeroponic unit and am wondering what pH ranges are most widely used for flowering. I have been keeping it around 6 but my partner thinks that it can go as low as 4.5. Any thoughts?
  3. bchboy147

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    After spraying BT a week ago, I still am finding caterpillars! I hand pick them out if I can find them but I'm worried about damaging my buds. Also, their poop has gotten in some pretty tight pockets next to the stem. Is there any way to remove these so they don't cause mold? I'm so fucking...
  4. bchboy147

    outdoor grow

    Super early to tell but I'll guess Indica cuz of those fat leaves. Dude, those look pretty good for only 4 weeks. Keep up the pics, I'm sure they will turn out great, just beware of caterpillars and other bugs.
  5. bchboy147

    So cal outdoor patio grow summer 2010

    Ya I'm definitely going to pick up some BT. After further inspection today I found a bunch of tiny yellowish-orange insects on the bottom of a lot of my older leaves. Any clue as to what these are and what kills them?
  6. bchboy147

    So cal outdoor patio grow summer 2010

    This is my second season growing outdoors on my patio. Last year was a bit disappointing...I ended up getting caterpillars and had to chop down my harvest early. This summer I have vowed to watch and take care of my little ladies with all my care. I started 6 plants from seed on May 1st. I am...
  7. bchboy147

    Whats eating my plants?

    Dude I'm having the same problem. I have outdoor about 6 weeks in and they are getting those small holes too. I've been using neem oil with no real success. Let me know what works best and if you have any luck getting rid of them.
  8. bchboy147

    12 days left, bananas appearing ?

    looks overwatered
  9. bchboy147

    ideas on strain? pics

    some kind of Indica
  10. bchboy147

    no weed.alcohol instead!

    go get laid dude
  11. bchboy147

    What are these white fuzzy spots ?

    could be mildew, if they are in a moist environment. Or it could be spiders or caterpillars
  12. bchboy147

    Hermies, please provide advice ASAP

    STRESS!!!! Your plant got stressed out and grew balls in order to keep fulfill its natural desire to reproduce. I just harvested some snowcap and some of my lower branches that weren't getting as much light formed seed on them. I think you should cut off areas where they are prevalent and you...
  13. bchboy147

    If I had one wish this is what it would be

    My new law is to not let asian people drive. One of them almost killed me running a red light and they are dangerous on the road.
  14. bchboy147

    Hindu Skunk: inside2outside

    Looks pretty solid clone dude. I have some that were smaller than that when I put them outside from inside and now they are double in size. I think as long as they get enough sun they will definitely be good, just not that big...
  15. bchboy147

    any outdoor snowcap experience?

    hey I think I might have harvested outdoor snowcap this season. I wasn't sure what the seeds were but the buds have very close characteristics of snowcap. I have some pics under my profile. I ended up getting caterpillars and having to chop down early. THere were still a shit ton of crystals and...