Recent content by Bashka1755

  1. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    Well noted dude! Will be giving the girls much more water next time! Thank you for all your help again!!!
  2. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    Thank for the advise dude! I’ve been fighting with humidity and trying to get it up, so ended up buying a new humidifier as the old one wouldn’t do it anymore lol also did a little trim on the girls today in hopes to improve light exposure and air flow as you suggested. They seem to be doing...
  3. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    Hey dude! Thank you for your response! Could they be resting in the middle of the day or shouldn’t they rest at night and perk up when the lights come on? For my ladies it takes about 3-4 hours to wake up and look a bit better then what the pics show, but still a bit a droopy and spindly...
  4. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    I have cover crops growing, should it not be enough aeration? Since I just watered in the morning, and under watering seems to be an issue, would you add more water now or wait until next watering?
  5. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    Thank you for the advise and help dude! Really appreciate! Will try to follow a similar practice and will see if they start doing better!!
  6. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    Since they are in Fabric Pots do you think I should be watering until steady run off or no? As I’m currently do not water until the run off. Of course the water drips from the sides a bit, but I wouldn’t call it a run off. I just heard in living soil and soil in general you shouldn’t water until...
  7. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    The temps are about 76F-78f during the day and 70F during night. Have 3 fans blowing at different directions from different corners and have AC Infinity 400cfm exhaust running non stop. So def good air flow and circulation…I even increased the exhaust speed a bit as this was one of my theories lol
  8. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    Hi there, thank you for your advise! I’ve heard that about autos, however being in the living soil, it’s hard to have anything smaller then 7 GAL, I also have cover crops going, and worms in the soil so it would be hard to keep it truly alive with 3 gals from what I’ve heard. Again, I’m new to...
  9. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    Hi there! I don’t water until the pots feel light, and water about 3 litres per plant when I do it every 3-4 days. The pots are 7 gal fabric pots! Thank you for trying to help, really appreciate it
  10. B

    Please Help!!!Droopy plants problem

    Hi Everyone! Hope you are doing great this Sunday! I’m a relatively new grower, and new to the community, and having some problems with my plants and hoping for some help and advise! In the last 2-3 weeks my ladies have been acting weird. They droop when it seems like they have enough water...