Recent content by bagofjules57

  1. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    Are these any better to view?
  2. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    I Will be ditching the lights, just invested in It's on. The lights are ordered. The blurbs :) will be gone The lights listed above by johnny15 £200 For the lights 75 for shipping So how ever long it takes for them to get here
  3. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    Living in the UK I need to warm it up for the summer months
  4. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    When I only had 1 light, 23 degrees 2 lights 28 degrees during light cycle 20 degrees when off Only been trying to grow for 10 weeks. Hope to grow through winter Thanks
  5. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    Thanks. On amazon looking for new lights
  6. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    Thanks will look into it...
  7. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    Thanks for input
  8. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    Rome wasn't built in a day, for sure I will look at it as a learning experience, appreciate the info
  9. B

    10 weeks are they ready to flower ?

    You suggest I put both switches on?