Recent content by Aztros

  1. Aztros

    Reduced from a felony to a class A misdemeanor... 1 year probation, 80 hrs. community service...

    Reduced from a felony to a class A misdemeanor... 1 year probation, 80 hrs. community service, $1300 in fines and court costs. My lawyer cost me $3,000... Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I haven't been on here in a while considering I'm done with this kind of stuff. Good luck to...
  2. Aztros


    So, the warrant got issued for my arrest the other day. Lawyer contacted me and said they got me for 5.9 ounces. I know for a fact that this is a heavily inflated number. Lawyer said it's not uncommon for them to lie. Figure they would rather have me plea down from a felony to a misdemeanor...
  3. Aztros


    No, I won't be doing any time... My lawyer keeps telling me that something is going to happen and they will hit me with a misdemeanor, but shit, the fire happened 2 1/2 months ago and I still haven't heard anything. No warrant, no nothing. The night of question I just played stupid when they...
  4. Aztros


    Hell yeah! That's what I'm saying!
  5. Aztros


    Thanks man... It means a lot. Glad to see another Texan around these parts. :peace:
  6. Aztros


    They aren't weighing the roots, they cut the plants at the base of the stalk and from what my lawyer is telling me they let the plant completely and i mean completely dry before assessing a weight. All of those plants put together can't come out to more than an ounce dry, there's just no way...
  7. Aztros


    From Houston, not in Houston... Where I'm at, the laws are a little more lenient than anywhere else in Texas if that gives you any insight as to what city I'm in. ;)
  8. Aztros


    There is no way I'm as bad off as all of you are implying. My lawyer is making it out to sound like I really have little to worry about, like I said, a class A or C misdemeanor. He said that I was small fish with 12 plants compared to how much they are backed up with much bigger issues. I'll...
  9. Aztros


    and no, I'm not growing anymore... I just don't like the idea of them coming to my home and rummaging through my stuff. I have no previous criminal record and work full time while going to grad-school.
  10. Aztros


    Can you site your source? I'm dealing with this first hand and you're assuming I don't live in Texas. I can hardly dissect that block of information you just posted. Where does it say 3 years per plant? How come I didn't get arrested the night of the fire? Is there any way I can plea that I...
  11. Aztros


    If that were true, (which it's not) I would be in jail right now and wouldn't be out for 36 years. Good thing that little statistic is wrong.
  12. Aztros


    Ok so to make a long story short, my house burned down. Not completely, but enough to make the place unlivable. The fire wasn't started by me, but faulty wiring in the bathroom fan. Of course, when the firefighters went in to fight the fire, they found my 12 plants in the closet unharmed...
  13. Aztros

    Soil problem... Input appreciated.

    I think I figured it out from doing a little more research online... It looks like I'm having a nitrogen/potassium deficiency. I just bought some NPK from the store. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. Ran into the same problem with hydro, and used the same fix just didn't think...
  14. Aztros

    Soil problem... Input appreciated.

    My plants are yellowing a bit and it seems to be getting worse. I'm mixing nutrients accordingly in water. I'm following everything to a T only I'm not getting the results I got with Hydro. Leaves are yellowing and looks like I'm burning them. I've turned to just watering them with pH...
  15. Aztros

    Temporary switch to soil...

    Thank you all for your advice I really do appreciate it and now realize what approach I need to take. You guys are great.