Recent content by axeman916

  1. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    hey guys sorry for the lack of updates i been sick as hell the last 3 weeks and its just getting worse. ill be back up as soon as possible.
  2. axeman916

    Gorilla garage build

    been here and there, trying to get things going. had a spinal cord injury at work and for a long time couldn't even get outa bed while i was down i thought up all the ways i could step my game up as a grower. so here goes the build up can't wait until its stuffed and back to normal where I'm...
  3. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    so here goes an update I'm at week 4 of veg on the gorilla seeds the others are less than a week or so and my clones are in week 6. make sure you guys subscribe and share the channel I'm giving away my 4x4 grow tent!!!! @ 100 subscribers
  4. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    thanks man, do you have a post on ur grows? id like to check em out. im loving the super cheese growth but am excited about the pineapple chunk. my go kush didn't make it unfortunately but hey theres always next time check out some of my other grows on the grape its insane! always a winner. i...
  5. axeman916

    Gorilla garage build

    whats up man its been awhile huh?
  6. axeman916

    Gorilla garage build

    I've got pineapple chunk, super cheese, widow, grape ape, blue dream and some crosses that I'm looking to get a good phono from.. new video more progress. let me know what you guys think..
  7. axeman916

    Gorilla garage build

    hey guys heres a little progress video part 3 is coming soon!!!! I've had a few medical issues so progress has been slow, but I'm back up slowly healing and getting work done!! ill have a seed update on my other thread in indoor growing just waiting for it to upload to you tube
  8. axeman916

    Gorilla garage build

    sorry guys i been slacken on getting up pics and vids. heres a short video on some gear i picked up and a little bit on the garage build. ill have a progress video up tomorrow getting a lot of work done in there just hard to remember to document it once the work begins. let me know what you...
  9. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    so the seeds are looking good the grape ape mono crop is insane but the blue dream is all fucked up. i topped it once so far and it seems to be stuck not doing shyt. so i think the deal with that is ill just grow her out and strip her for clones and that'll be that. check out the pics let me...
  10. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    hahaaa no way, if ida known it was there i surly woulda removed it. i hate those little fuckers, but at the same time their pretty interesting to just watch em be little any way guys i finally got the computer from my girl. she's been binge watching breaking bad on netflix!! so...
  11. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    ^^^^ thats awesome.. hahaaa.. i been slacken guys ill have an update tomorrow!!!
  12. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    alright guys its the 7th day since these gorilla seeds popped a couple are a day behind, i got 6 out of 9 so not too bad. they are loving life under the 400w halide! and just got their first feeding today of big bloom and wholly mackerel I'm going to fun the rest of the fox farm i have and by...
  13. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    hhaaaahaa cool man, wheres the pics? we need to see the
  14. axeman916

    Gorilla garden w/ gorilla seeds!

    here ya go guys the weigh in. the grape ape 104g = 3.66 oz = another 8.6oz my cousin picked up the blue og 247g =8.71 oz the blue dream 8.6 oz my cousin also picked all that oh that little fucker was the only one after a long thorough inspection, i suspect the couple dead moths i found...
  15. axeman916

    Gorilla garage build

    whats up guys figured id throw up a build log. ill post a little info here but the videos will show more of whats going on. im usung 3/4 inch insulation sheets (4x8ft) for the walls, ceiling, and loft area. i didn't want to use dry wall due to the lack of insulation it would provide. so...