Recent content by averageweedguy

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    plants have new growth on leaves but it's curling down in veg

    I did repot in bigger pots. They were drowning in water
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    plants have new growth on leaves but it's curling down in veg

    yo wassup everyone. Just wanted to come in and give an update. Been in Tahoe for a few days. So far since switching the pots from the dumb ass jiffy pots to a better soil and bigger pots. They’ve taken off. Thanks for all your help !!!!
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    plants have new growth on leaves but it's curling down in veg

    I mean I checked the water and made sure it was a oh level of 6.3. Yes it’s a 2x2 I have the light at the top of the tent. I think I definitely over watered. So ima stop that for now. As for nutrients I just have the fox farm grow big for now
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    plants have new growth on leaves but it's curling down in veg

    Ok sounds good. I do have Fox Farm Ocean Forrest arriving soon. Sucks my package was delayed a few days and no hydroponics shops near me. Hopefully they will adjust for the time being. thanks
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    plants have new growth on leaves but it's curling down in veg

    Oh man!! Its my first time growing in doors. So far I have just been giving them ph water for the last 3 days. I am using a Mars Hydro 600 I have 3 fans in the tent. temp is at 77 degrees and Humidity is at 45 Soil is black gold
  6. A

    plants have new growth on leaves but it's curling down in veg

    Hey y'all I just bought 2 clones and planted in jiffy pots wit black gold soil. I know at the time it was the only soil I had. The clones have new growth however all the leaves curl down and new brownish spots have appeared. Please help before they die!!!!