Recent content by avengedsevenfold

  1. A

    New in town with no dealer

    Yeah def do NOT grow at a college dorm. At college its easier to just find bud cuz it'll be ALLL around you. IF anything you'll be able to just wake up early in the morning and grab all the left over roaches from a party to get some weed. lol. But seriously, college is the easiest place to get...
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    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    Resin lips? I've smoked 100s of joints withOUT filters and never gotten that nor heard of it. But as for your question, i choose without. if you roll a joint properly, i see no need for a filter...just means more work + less space for more weed.
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    The Biggest Blunt I've Ever Smoked

    Daaamn. You guys are wasting soooo much green! You should get lynched for that. I mean i love blunts and all, but nothing more than an 1/8. In fact, i think gram blunts are the best.
  4. A

    other forums?

    Grasscity is always a good forum to check out. They have a really nice bud porn section found under the My Stash message boards or w/e its called. Just make sure you never click on the apprentice tokers or something. Every topic there is ridiculously gay and stupid.
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    how do you approach someone

    Picking up some green is ALWAYS easy. (a) Find yourself the hood or some black neighborhoods. I guarantee you that every one of those black people on the street corner either are carrying or can get you some in 2 seconds. (b) This same method can be used in trailer parks, but that's always...
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    calling all americans

    Hey man. Hope you have a good time in America! Las Vegas is definitely a crazy place...just remember to stay safe. Not very far from the strip are some of the cities seediest spots. Anyways, you should always tip your server at a restaurant (usually 15%), cab drivers get tipped (i'd say about...
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    My mom is a Douche...

    Your mom doesn't sound like a douche, just sounds like she needs a BIG male sexual organ... Anyways, Happy MOTHERS day!
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    Straight, Bi, or Gay?

    Stoney, how come an anti-gay person says they don't agree with homosexuality that you pro-gay people have to say that we must be 11? I mean come on, can't you pro-gay people come up with any better comebacks? Anyways, no need for argument when i'm about to light up and drink some beer...
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    Straight, Bi, or Gay?

    I hate people who say that just because it doesn't directly affect me i shouldn't give a shit. Well if some dude in new york city kills somebody, should i just be like "oh well to each man his own'? fuck no. murder/rape/extortion/abuse/etc will not occur to all of us but that doesn't mean we...
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    Straight, Bi, or Gay?

    Don't even get me started on bisexuals. Bisexuality is (not all cases, but for the most part) a trend. And no, by all means i support people thinking for themselves. Unfortunately, people don't do that. The government and the media (such crap as MTV with all its gay show) now say that being...
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    Straight, Bi, or Gay?

    This topic's question is so retarded. The thread starter must be like 10 or something....obviously if you take a dick up ur ass once in a while, then you GAY. Now that doesn't include if you got raped in prison or something, then ur just a lil pussy. Oh and i hate all these people who support...
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    How do u tell ur girl she's gainin a lil 2much??

    Fuck this not trying to piss her off stuff. Being nice only gets you so far. I'm tired of all these pussy guys out there worried about telling their g/f's this or that....fuck that, telling a girl what is on ur mind and what's bothering you is the only way to achieve a successful relationship...
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    How do u tell ur girl she's gainin a lil 2much??

    I think its about time you found yourself a new girl, my man. a) this girl dropped out of college....that says alot about her b) she lives an hour away...she could be cheatin on you for all you kno and plus that hurts the wallet drivin out there all the time c) she's gettin a lil...
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    The Best Bud Ever

    I laugh at people who have to put names to the weed they smoked. Unless your a grower or personally know a grower or u get it from a dispensary, then chances are you're not smoking that "dank ass haze/kush"...because dealers simply put names on their weed to get better buck for it. Around...
  15. A

    a question mainly for the guys...

    I'd just have sex with both of em and whichever one was better in bed. Simple as that.