Recent content by AutomatKalashinikovLVR

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    Is This Weed?

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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    Pan, you gotta remember that kids love to exagerate things to make others see things from their eyes. Just because she says she hits her does not mean she is being abusive. I mean, the literal sense of abuse has been bastardised over the years but a back hand is a back hand a hit is a hit. Just...
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    See, i told you Erica... One little slip and its katie bar the doors to your whole situation that your trying to get us to feel sorry for you about. All this "YOU DONT KNOW ME" is kinda overshadowed now that we know the truth about your bro and sister. Get a clue girl, make something of yourself...
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    Do you see a running similarity here? If you dont then your blind or dumb... Please stop posting if your going to repeat yourself over and over again. You end up giving away more ammo for us mean old people that fire at you with.
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    No its not called judgment. We are not judging you, we just know how kids are. I wonder how much your buttering up your situation to make it more favorable towards yourself. Nobody in their right mind is going to bitch and complain about something and then give all the reasons WHY its their...
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    Yeah what thump said. I mean, do you know how much it cost just for YOU to eat everyday per month? If your mother is a single parent, im sure shes getting a bit pissy with how the food, gas and electricity prices are going up and her pay is staying the same. Your chomping down on her hard earned...
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    I am 10 years out of the house and im still trying to grasp the concept that is human reality. It seems its always changing, sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. This economic situation we are in isnt helping with anything... AND I LIVE IN TX!!! The state that has created half the jobs...
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    We are older and wiser. We have gone through what you have gone through and can see where you are headed. Just because you dont understand or think its unfair, doesnt mean it is. Thats why theres THIS saying, "Let them move out while they still know everything."
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    I moved out when i was 18. I have had problems with my family since, but my family is a classic example of dysfunctional. Mostly my dad though, theres something wrong with that man. I dont know what it is, hes smart... has 3 majors and a PHD, worked for DHS for Child Safety but he couldn't keep...
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    Well, if you knew she was irritated cause she told you so, why did you even try? Im a guy and i have learnt over my 28 years that if a woman is pissy, you should just leave them alone. Your a girl and you dont know this rule? When your irritated do you want someone that constantly irritates you...
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    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    Yep, you should get your bare ass busted! As you said, shes not just doing it randomly to be mean... your "talking back and being shity". If you live under her roof, you should go by her rules and if you dont feel thats fair... MOVE OUT! Your 18 years old, you should know better! So, this is...
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    I wish i could send private messages... Oh well. This is about an argument you had with that...

    I wish i could send private messages... Oh well. This is about an argument you had with that frontier guy about CFLs. If you do the math from GKs grow (8oz from 3 plants using 8-42w cfls) It would only take 5 different grows. That would be 15 plants and 40 bulbs. Which isnt off much from what...
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    Fuck People Who Don't Tip!

    Yeah seriously, its even worse if you use your own vehicle and pay for everything with your own cash (breaks, tires and whatnot). Then to have someone say.. "Bro i REAALLY appreciate it, thanks for the food! You got here in a hurry!" then close the door and not give even a cent is slightly...