Recent content by auto budz

  1. auto budz

    HELP ive just realised my lights are on 24/0

    schoolboy error mate - lesson learned!!
  2. auto budz

    autoflower nutrient help

    i think about 20 days from seed then switch, do it gradual, a bit of veg & bloom at the same time 50/50 then switch to bloom after 5-7 days... good luck!!
  3. auto budz

    Im using Dual spectrum bulb, how much better are true hps, whats best for bloom stage

    Im using Dual spectrum bulb, how much better are true hps, whats best for bloom stage
  4. auto budz

    Why is 24/0 Light not a Good Idea for Autos??

    listening to advice on here i have been led to believe 20/4 is probably the best for autos. as its possible to grow under 24hr constant light nobody seems to, why is it a bad idea???
  5. auto budz

    Whats the best Light Cycle for Autos????

    Good advice, thx... if the more light it gets the bigger it gets, wouldn't it be better to go 22/2 or 23/1. Why the 4 hours rest
  6. auto budz

    Whats the best Light Cycle for Autos????

    hi, im unsure what light cycle to use for my onyx. I started on 20/4 now trying 18/6. what do you find works best?
  7. auto budz

    First aero grow. autoflowering. transitionary issues with nutes and/or other.

    Hi there mate!! i hope i can be of some help! I am using an amazon 32 pot aeroponic system similar to yours, Firstly i would never use the flush until the final week or if there was some kind of nutrient lock. when making the transition from veg to flower with auto's just keep the same...
  8. auto budz

    Onyx - Aero grow
