Recent content by Ashlee

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    Dr. Greenthumb's G13 RDWC Tree Grow

    chalk that up as a good problem.. LOL.. NICE BROSKI...
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    Organic Soil Taste vs Hydro Taste

    quit refering to your soil grows as organic.. as most arent as they use chems.. maybe a ph down.. lol.. to set your teas... no longer organic.. its hard to stay organic.. but pls quit refering to your soil as organics.. it might be organic.. but its still a soil grow.. i don't call my hydro...
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    Organic Soil Taste vs Hydro Taste

    no one's goanna say it.. so i willl. its not not organic vs hydro.. its organic vs chem.. and hyrdo vs soil... hyrdo can be organic.. problend from botanicare works great... stink bud system users get 100% killer kind ... tastey.. ORGANIC HYDRO.. its just as tasty as organic soil... i've also...
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    Dr Grubers G13 Grow Journal(Dr Greenthumb Seeds)

    subd, beautiful plants..
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    Its all homegrown in alaska.

    wheres all the alaska people these days... anyone ever tried the auto's outdoor??
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    Aeroflo2... G13 Pineapple Evpress, Raw D, and Heavy Duty Fruitty

    Very nice.. i just built a Webby and Irish type aero setup... just topfeed AEROFLO basically.. and i'm hoping for anythign close to yours... hats off to ya man... great lookin nugs... some are almost worthy of NUGZILLA stamps.... peace
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    Blue Dream 800W Induction Lights SOG

    WOW... i've found gold... i've had my eyes on these for a long while.. they use em in paint booths out west cause they're brighter than flouros and not hot like HID, and in oil industry... always wondered hwo they'ed do, awesome to see you pokin a new idea out there... i hope you smash this...
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    Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

    no pics whole thread???
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    Is There Something Wrong With My Aero-Cloner?

    i've had it when my moms had a recent feeding.. (veg nutes are high in nitrogen) and then took clones a few days later... high nitrogen causes slow rooting, while high phosphorous and potash help roots... so maybe feed your moms a bloom formula before taking cuttings... i started just givving...
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    Jigfresh's Closet Flooded Tube Vert Scrog - 1000w

    let em go... let em grow.... :D git it jig.... and god said unto jig.... let there be oxygenated water for all!!!!!!
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    The Talk - Everything Included

    yo yo yo.... everyone else as cold as i am.... lol? good to see some alaskans....
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    what is the fucking secret

    lol... most people just don't realize you can drive 8 hours and only made it a few cities over.. not few states... its huge here... same area code.... whole state... sunshine all day up north... and a normal 14 hr day down south... amazing... autos the only way to go.. but with 98% of the...
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    Need expert help with outdoor auto grow in deep alaska

    from texas... goanna live in the woods in alaska... it ain't texas up here man.... lol... but otherwise... try flash seeds super autos.... annapurna, nirvana sky, number one... check it out... no more contribution to bear bait.... lol... just playin man... be safe.... hope your on the...
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    10 x 15 Stealth Attic Growroom.

    yo yo yo any updates.... you been runnin a full run ???