Recent content by armon91

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    Is this white widow?

    damn i didn't know that. alright i guess it must just be a different version than most peoples
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    Is this white widow?

    Can you post some pics of your white widow? I would really like to compare them
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    What are the mail service marijuana that I can use for the states? I live in the US

    What are the mail service marijuana that I can use for the states? I live in the US
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    Is this white widow?

    The smell is very distinct, but I was wandering if anyone could tell by looking at the picture if it was white widow
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    Is this white widow?

    I order 14g of white widow from this guy and this is what I got. I was just wandering if this looks legit or not. Sorry I can't take closer pics, these are from my iphone.
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    yeah that seems good, do you have any pics?

    yeah that seems good, do you have any pics?
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    Hey is there any way you could get me some of that white widow? There's nothing like that where...

    Hey is there any way you could get me some of that white widow? There's nothing like that where I live and I would pay.
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    yeah i'm in upper bama. there isn't anything as good as that here... where are you at?
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    Hey you live in alabama too? Im down in northern bama and I cant get any good shit down here...

    Hey you live in alabama too? Im down in northern bama and I cant get any good shit down here. I'm just lookin for anything good man, you have any?