Recent content by Alctrz8849

  1. Alctrz8849

    Who grows DWC without a chiller?

    Hydroguard and air stones. Always had monster roots and zero slime. No chiller and I live in the desert too! In fact, my water ran a little cool because I kept it in an insulated cooler I converted into a DWC!
  2. Alctrz8849


    No Jimmy G is playing, we're just speculating how long the Niners will keep him on the roster after this season.
  3. Alctrz8849


    Nah it only ups his value if they win the Superbowl and the Niners have to move on or keep him. A one year extension isn't what's best for the team I would think but I've been wrong before!
  4. Alctrz8849


    I think this is the last time we'll see Jimmy G as a Niner period, even if they win the Superbowl, they seem committed to Tre Lance for next year IMO. Garoppolo would be a great fit for Pittsburgh though of he does leave the Niners.
  5. Alctrz8849

    MedicGrow Fold 8 760w Samsung Diodes 8 bar fixture? $589 US shipped free, BETTER DEAL THAN MEIJIU BAR LIGHTS!?

    I have used the EZ-8 and it was great! Nothing fancy but great light coverage and PPF! For the price, it's one of the best lights! Still prefer my Fluence Spyder 2P but for the price difference, EZ-8 provides the most bang for your buck easy! It was HALF the price of my Spydr 2P!
  6. Alctrz8849

    Compound HQ's Grows

    Gorgeous looking room! I'm bored as hell at work and wish I could be tending to a garden like that instead! Solid work again!!
  7. Alctrz8849

    Money no object LED

    Wish I could help out! I work at a warehouse and am in with walking distance of a ton of pallets!! Definitely ask the MFR to send you a shipping label as it should be under warranty I would assume and you shouldn't have to pay the cost for their defects. It's the cost if doing business...
  8. Alctrz8849

    Money no object LED

    Every MFR has a few like this. Can't make every single unit produced absolutely perfect. Still a solid trustworthy brand and I don't even have one. I had the Osram Fluence Spydr 2P light do this to me too and they're still the gold standard from my perspective though despite the hiccup. They...
  9. Alctrz8849

    Marijuana Seeds

    I like North Atlantic Seed Company. Always get freebies, they have reasonable prices for the industry and I always get my package cross country sooner than the ETA suggest every time! Takes 4-5 days to get from East coast to West once ordered!
  10. Alctrz8849

    Arizona Outdoor Grow ?

    Looking good!!
  11. Alctrz8849

    Arizona Outdoor Grow ?

    I thought I took a few before I left but apparently not. I'll get some posted when I get back from my trip!
  12. Alctrz8849

    Arizona Outdoor Grow ?

    I harvested my Maui Wowie last Thursday and have it drying while on vacation with my family!
  13. Alctrz8849

    Your latest seed purchase?

    I have a seed problem too. I have more than I could legally grow for a year at least.. but that's if I ramp up production to 12 plants per grow 24/7... so likely a few years at my current pace. But I can't stop!! Lol I'll figure out a way to power through more seeds even if it means ramping...
  14. Alctrz8849

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Good luck with your phenos! I grew some GDP from ILGM and one turned out to be the best smoke I've had in a decade while the other is still good quality, but it pales in comparison to its sister!!