Recent content by AlcoholicStonerBabe

  1. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    Share 2 hours with us- I'll go first.

    This made my day.
  2. AlcoholicStonerBabe


    Lmao. That's the best.
  3. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    TGIFAIJBMW. Thank God It's Friday And I Just Bought More Weed.

    TGIFAIJBMW. Thank God It's Friday And I Just Bought More Weed.
  4. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    I'd rather have a pound of weed than a ton of friends.

    I'd rather have a pound of weed than a ton of friends.
  5. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    Fuck this place.

    Fuck this place.
  6. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    No lie. Lol.

    No lie. Lol.
  7. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    You're a fucking idiot. Hahahah.

    You're a fucking idiot. Hahahah.
  8. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    Hahaha. Yes. It's gonna be one hell of a party.

    Hahaha. Yes. It's gonna be one hell of a party.
  9. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    We will make everyone buy us a drink and then we'll be fucked out of our heads. Plus all the...

    We will make everyone buy us a drink and then we'll be fucked out of our heads. Plus all the marywannnnaaa.
  10. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    Yeah. It's Saturday. We're going to Brickstreet tomorrow idiot.

    Yeah. It's Saturday. We're going to Brickstreet tomorrow idiot.
  11. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    This Halloween party we're going to is going to be kick ass. Ready to get stoned and wasted...

    This Halloween party we're going to is going to be kick ass. Ready to get stoned and wasted. Let's go.
  12. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    It's almost Friday. Pre-game strong.

    It's almost Friday. Pre-game strong.
  13. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    I just want some bud & pizza.

    I just want some bud & pizza.
  14. AlcoholicStonerBabe

    Fuck relationships. Smoke weed.

    Fuck relationships. Smoke weed.