Recent content by AkFrost

  1. AkFrost

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Figured I show off my girls again, it’s been just over a year since I have on posted on here. Still using the same soil. These ladies are at week 7 of flower and are just starting to fade to fall colors. I love my organic smoke! ✌
  2. AkFrost

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I saw some pics a couple pages back of ppl showing off. Great job! Here are mine in a 4x4 grasssroots living soil bed (now that I have internet It’s a Coots no-till soil with some extras at about a year a half old. Over did the amendments somewhere along the line and it’s water...
  3. AkFrost

    ShLUbY's Garden

    Looking good. :clap:
  4. AkFrost

    Has anyone used the KIS organics nutrient pack?

    I haven’t tried it. But I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. I’m a Patreon of his and I can’t say enough good things about Tad, his business, products or his podcasts.
  5. AkFrost

    RAW. anyone used this before?

    You have quite a few of those wrong. I would recommend reading some of Harley’s articles or there are some videos on YouTube. He gives out a lot of information. Maximum yield has some good ones too.
  6. AkFrost

    RAW. anyone used this before?

    I haven’t. I switched to a no-till setup over a year ago and don’t use salt based nutrients anymore. Thanks for the recommendation though.
  7. AkFrost

    Organic no till, probiotic, knf, jadam, vermicomposting, soil mixes, sips etc... Q & A

    Well it’s winter time so I had to use store bought product. I used cantaloupe (no rinds) and brown sugar. Equal parts. I didn’t really noticed any change in my plants. The brix stayed around its normal percentage. But it did allow me stop using my potassium nutrient in flower. And im still...
  8. AkFrost

    RAW. anyone used this before?

    . Very true! I recently replaced the use of there potassium product with a Cantaloupe FPJ. So far it’s working great.
  9. AkFrost

    RAW. anyone used this before?

    I’m not a commercial gardener and I live in Alaska. My plant count is always at or under 12 plants. So shipping usually costs as much as the product I buy, so I get my stuff locally and try to cut back on the carbon footprint of shipping. There products are a lot better than most products you’ll...
  10. AkFrost

    Nerding out on the soil, microbiology, and plants i love so much.

    Nerding out on the soil, microbiology, and plants i love so much.
  11. AkFrost

    RAW. anyone used this before?

    I’ve been using the RAW line up for a while and I took Harley’s master class a couple yrs ago when I was still doing hydro. I still use some of there OMRI listed products for my No-Till (Potassium, Kelp, Humic Acid, Silica, and Yucca). In my opinion they have quality products and my favorites...
  12. AkFrost


    Great question! I have been wondering the same for my soil. I have been using it for just over a year now (if I remember right, and I have come to the conclusion the only way to know would be to test the soil. I will be ordering a Soil Savvy test kit and send a sample to Logan to...
  13. AkFrost

    Karma Genetics no till grow journal

    Shluby nailed it, with the last post. I stuck with Coots mix though. You start to get a good feeling of what your plants need when it comes to moister levels. About a month and a half ago I took the judging out of the equation and bought some Blumat’s and there moister sensor. Now my soil is...
  14. AkFrost

    Growing Cannabis Organically & the Soil Food Web - Jeff Lowenfels

    Yeah, the KIS organics podcasts are epic! I really nerded out on them when I found I can’t recommend them enough, I hope he does some new ones soon.
  15. AkFrost

    Karma Genetics no till grow journal

    I have been using coots mix for over a year now. I agree with Shluby about the rice hulls. I use rice hulls in my worm bin, starter soil mix, and some In my mulch. I believe it breaks down to fast and if it’s not causing compaction issues already then it eventually will. Stick with what CC’s mix...