Recent content by aguro

  1. aguro

    Fan Leaves Dying!! [Pics]

    There anyone who can tell me if this would be a calcium or boron defic?
  2. aguro

    Fan Leaves Dying!! [Pics]

    No, I don't have one. The light is about 6 inches away
  3. aguro

    Fan Leaves Dying!! [Pics]

    Hey all, could you help identify what's wrong with this girl? She's a mother whose been regenerated once and is vegging right now. Under a 150W HPS light with fans and temps around 70-80. I'm suspecting its either a calcium or maybe boron deficiency. What do y'all think?
  4. aguro

    Curing in the Fridge?

    Is this doable? I've read that you should store you're curing herb in mason jars at temps around 65-75, but in my apartment its consistently around 80 and out of my control. So can I put it in the fridge instead?
  5. aguro

    Purple/Maroon Leaves, Little-no growth [w/ Pics]

    Under CFLS (12 inches away), in desert potting mix mixed with perlite. I had given them some MG a few weeks back then have been flushing it with distilled water every time I water it since. It has had this problem before flushing and it has not improved. Temps are no higher than 85 during the...
  6. aguro

    Lower Leaves Decaying? (pics)

    I haven't watered in a week.
  7. aguro

    Lower Leaves Decaying? (pics)

    bump..can anyone help?
  8. aguro

    Lower Leaves Decaying? (pics)

    My plant has been doing pretty good for the last couple weeks until I noticed that the lower sets of leaves are starting to turn yellow. I didn't think much of it until I noticed today that there are now brown spots on the lower leaves. What should I do? My setup is in this thread...
  9. aguro

    Nutrient Deficiency?

    Another thing, why are my leaves so wrinkled? Could it be the result of overwatering?
  10. aguro

    Nutrient Deficiency?

    Thanks all. I'll get some Cal-Mag right away and check the pH. I'm also repotting it into a bigger pot this weekend.
  11. aguro

    Nutrient Deficiency?

    bump. anyone?
  12. aguro

    Nutrient Deficiency?

    Just took this one out of it's humidity dome a week ago but it's shown yellow spots in between the veins on the newer leaves. You can see it pretty clearly in the pictures, but it seems to look worse in person. I'm growing in soil (cactus mix with extra perlite), and I water with room temp...
  13. aguro

    Twisted leaves i think its zinc but not sure please help

    Hmm, it looks pretty good to me. Those spots on the bottom leaf, that is light burn right? I have similar spots on one of my leaves from water droplets.
  14. aguro

    Leaves curling up and cupping - w/ pics

    Well, they improve when I put the domes on which keep the soil more moist. They also improved when I gave them all purpose ferts. But nutrients don't explain why removing the humidity dome makes the leaves light green and growth to stagnate.
  15. aguro

    Leaves curling up and cupping - w/ pics

    Here's an example of what I mean: this is another of my plants. You can see that on one pair of leaves, the ends are curled. The leaves did not really start to grow until I put a dome over it, and the tips never fully straightened out.