Recent content by AgentBuckwald

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    cant seem to identify the problem

    a few things come to mind at first glance it could be insect damage and if it is, it resembles fungus gnat damage. these can be hard to spot and you wont often see them in large numbers secondly, phosphorous deficiency could be a possibility. I cant see the whole plant, but the distribution of...
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    cant seem to identify the problem

    apparently leaf cutters have been observed doing that, however you're most likely thinking of carpenter or "wood" bees. they look very similar but the leafcutters are black and greyish. no yellow
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    cant seem to identify the problem

    from what I gather, leafcutter bees are mostly solitary and feed off of their "favorite" plants over and over again meaning all the damage could very likely be from one or two of the bastards which is why I had such a hard time finding them. once I saw it happen and how fast it cut it, i can see...
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    cant seem to identify the problem

    Scratch that. this is 100% from whats called a leafcutter bee. I just witnessed one gnawing through my tops. they say they arent harmful to crops, theyre wrong
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    cant seem to identify the problem

    I think i have it solved. pretty sure the damage if from invasive japanese beetles. I cought one in the act and saw another appear soon after. I dont know how i wasnt able to see any of them the previous days but im pretty confident they are the culprit
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    cant seem to identify the problem

    that notion crossed my mind as ive had cutworm problems with my other garden vegetables, however, ive observed them on those plants in significant numbers as well as their dung. those also do not seem to discriminate against certain parts of the plants and will eat whatever they can. the pest im...
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    cant seem to identify the problem

    I've seen the occasional gnat, common fly, ants (not on the plants) ladybugs, small spiders, nothing unusual. I have seen a couple white moths/butterflies that flutter around some of my flowering vegetables but ive never observed them on my cannabis or even near them. no grasshoppers or crickets...
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    cant seem to identify the problem

    Hi all, this is my first post on here after exhausting my research capabilities. Recently, my larger and smaller outdoor plants alike have shown signs of damage exclusively to the newer, top leaves of the plants. it appears as though something has been gnawing through the leaf stems about a half...