Recent content by Afghanfan

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    My collection

    Pheno hunting for days.
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    My collection

    I store them in a cool dry place at the moment. I’ll be popping a lot soon probably give some away and I’m definitely done procuring seeds for awhile lol
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    My collection

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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    Critical 2.0
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    Afghan landrace
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    Afghan landrace
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    Gelato OG
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    Critical 2.0
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    Some updated pics.
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    Switched over to crop salt a week ago
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    thinned out plants in the hydro setup. Day 9. Older plants in soil i thinned out yesterday. Week 5 of flowering. Before after