Recent content by adelgado

  1. A


    Congratulations, dude... And I'm not even yet a father ^^ Time goes by ... :joint:
  2. A

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    I'm so fucking surprised after seeing this movie! ! Fuck I'm impressed;;;
  3. A

    Since it's 2:40 here...

    ...I'm smoking my joint the other way around :D
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    How Long Does An Ounce Last You?

    I think I can safely say I speak for everybody in this forum when I assert that the answer to the question is "Not long enough..." lol
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    Dengue fever

    A friend of mine has Dengue fever (It's quite common in Brazil right now) and we were wondering if there is any problem smoking pot while ill. I know there isn't any with normal colds of flus, it even helps for me... But Dengue is another thing. Thanks in advance, folks
  6. A

    Who Is Normal?

    What is NORML and what does the organization stand for? NORML is a nonprofit, public-interest lobby that for more than 30 years has provided a voice for those Americans who oppose marijuana prohibition. We represent the interests of the tens of millions of Americans who smoke marijuana...
  7. A


    Dudes, that was perfect English...
  8. A


    3:20 here...Where's 4:20 now? Who's with me? Peace
  9. A

    Weirdest sexual experience?

    This is the funniest thing I've ever seen onthis Forum... Man, I'm laughing so much... I'm not even high
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    Pounds to Dollars.

    Yeah, she asked 383 I did 338. You right, my bad ^^ Gonna edit the answer...
  11. A

    Pounds to Dollars.

    383 British pounds = 755.5058 U.S. dollars From Go to and type: X GBP in USD X = How much...
  12. A

    Don't sell weed on craigslist...

    Stupid fucking dumbass ¬¬
  13. A

    Sexual Discoveries

    I honnestly think this is the most important and useful thing I've learned this month. You have no idea how much though I've been giving onto finding an easy no mess method the last weeks (I'm at mama's house ^^)...
  14. A


    I've read the whole thread before posting... OK no, I didnt', I skipped we1 because there was too much text... No offences though... First of all, damn you're beautiful... And you look cute... Anyways... I've been without pot for... 42 days... And I'm allright... It's completly doable...
  15. A

    Who Said This?

    That sounds a LOT like something Bush'd say... Think that's the purpose...