Recent content by aceb07

  1. aceb07

    Cleaning your system

    but where do i get it?
  2. aceb07

    Cleaning your system

    Well i have to drop on mon and last nite tues i went to a party and smoke what i thought was tobacco then found out it also had weed in it so i want to know if i use nioxin pills wed and thurs along with a workout, (which i workout everyday), will i b able to get my system clean for the test...
  3. aceb07

    how to pass a drug test in 9 days?

    again thanx for the replies i have a lot of insight to look @
  4. aceb07

    how to pass a drug test in 9 days?

    hell yea!!! i feel like i sparked a big controversy by accident. but i do like the different ways mentioned
  5. aceb07

    how to pass a drug test in 9 days?

    for those that helped thanx for all of the advice and for all of u people that really think that i was dumb enough to smoke even once i found out that i had to take a drug test thanx for providing me with a nice laugh. I have heard of the sure-gel method working before and i was thinking about...
  6. aceb07

    how to pass a drug test in 9 days?

    im sorry this is not a question that has to deal with growing but it's still a serious problem. i have a drug test comming up very very soon and i know i cant pass it without a little help. so i would like to know who has any methods that they have done before and it helped them pass a drug test.
  7. aceb07

    Going to 12/12 please tell me what you think

    i had my plants in flowering for about a week, can i switch back to vegging or is a week too long and i should just let it keep goin on 12/12
  8. aceb07

    101 Already Asked Questions

    i wouldnt stress it. the last seed i germed took 5 days to germ and 10 days to sprout but grew to b a very strong young lady
  9. aceb07

    Serves them right...

    i just got pulled over n dearborn 4 weed. hope the same thing happens to the bastards that took mine
  10. aceb07


    my lil girl is about 5 weeks old and she is between 13 and 14 in tall. i wanted 2 know when is the best time to top her using the FIM method
  11. aceb07

    Bubble gum wrappers

    the probem is i cant find that shit nowhere. maybe im just looking in the wrong places but that shit is hard to find
  12. aceb07

    Bubble gum wrappers

    damn!!!! i threw away all my damn wrappers...and now i find out the shit really works
  13. aceb07

    Bubble gum wrappers

    defitely not i got better things to than to try and find schemes on how to get people to do unimportant things
  14. aceb07

    Bubble gum wrappers

    wwwwooooowwwwww thats bullshit
  15. aceb07

    Bubble gum wrappers

    i was wondering if any1 has ever tried using bubble gum wrappers as reflectors for their grow rooms. i dont think that they would create any hotspots, but when it comes to reflectativity i wonder how good they will b. i will experiment with this idea if no one has beat me to it yet.....