All I did was smoke weed for the past two years and now there's no way I'll get anything out of college. Even though I got scholarships I know I shouldn't have gotten. Thank god lying is a thing and I get to do that to my parents and to my college. 420 perks
Like it's so obvious I do, like look at all my friends. And I'm sooooo good at hiding it two. There's barely any photos of me on their, because I take all the photos. I'm so good at it!
I wonder what kind of mental illnesss I'll have in the futuee. My brain is so fucked lol. But I have money, and you don't, and my parents are divsirce and I'm scared for life because of that. So much scholarship taxpayer money is wasted on me lol. To bad they don't drug test me for that
Someone save me. I wish I had better friends
- Birthday
Jul 14, 2004
(Age: 20)
- Location
Ormond Beach
- Gender
- Female
- Occupation
- Marijuana Enthusiast
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