Recent content by ab206

  1. ab206

    How long do you let your carbon filters go?

    Can or Phresh/Phat ALL DAY. I ran a Can 125 or 150 back in 2004-05 for 4 years and still worked like it was new. Still got it actually just don't have a room that size anymore so I been rocking the phat/Phresh. Same shit, Grabbed the first one in 2009 it worked flawless till 2014. Grabbed...
  2. ab206

    Next Generation Seeds Not Germinating

    Iv'e ordered thru Greenlife 4 times,got them all except one that customs seized..And Anne has always emailed me back within a day or two whenever iv'e had a question..I haven't ordered anything from them since around 2008 tho,so who knows who's running shit around there..Sorry ta hear you had...
  3. ab206

    Next Generation Seeds Not Germinating

    I totally agree..The Attitude is huge and reliable,you'd think they would want them stocked fully with the best you have to offer!?!?! I never had to get their gear thru the Attitude tho,when i Started working with Next Gens. stuff it was way before the Attitude even carried Next Gen.. Started...
  4. ab206

    Next Generation Seeds Not Germinating

    Next Gens. Gear is awesome..Been growing their Blue Dynamite since about 2001-2002..I'll tell ya this..DO NOT order their seeds thru Attitude..they give them their garbage seeds..If you want the best Next Generation Genetics,order them through Greenlife seeds!! That's their personal site..I met...
  5. ab206

    Help,Pics of 4 week old plants/clones changing color in spots

    Hey thanks for ur input Ghetto Grwr. but those 80 seeds we ordered were actually just transplanted into those 32 oz. sty. cups 3 days ago,they just look like little cups in the pic man. And we figured out the prob..with them 3 we were gonna mother.Them square white pots we had layin around are...
  6. ab206

    Help,Pics of 4 week old plants/clones changing color in spots

    sorry,just noticed how small pictures come up.I emailed the pics to myself from my phone camera..But on a couple of the pics where it shows the big leaves with the goofy discoloration,that's what some of the new growth turns into and some tips curl....deficiency????? Like i said,iv'e never had a...
  7. ab206

    Help,Pics of 4 week old plants/clones changing color in spots

    Hey hows it going,i got 3 new clones from a good friend about a month ago.The strain is A-train. I got them from him in 4"rockwool cubes rite after they had rooted and i put them under a T8 like i always do for a few days then under a T5 for about a week. I then transplanted the cubes into 3...