Yeah I think the enviro was off when they were young, too hot during the day and too humid at night. I think I have the environment setup better now, 68-78 and 40-55% humidity. Or do you think the stems are dark because of the nutes? The newer growth looks more green.
thanks for the help.
Thanks, any advice on how often I should start giving nutes? I was trying to do a small dose every other day and try to ramp up to a full dose, but it seems that’s too much. Should I try a half dose once a week and see how they look? Then ramp up the next week?
okay, this is solid advice. Maybe I have not been letting the plants dry out enough before watering them. I have just been checking the first inch of dirt to see if it’s completely dry, and it seemed this was everyday but maybe I am not checking deep enough. TY.
Hello, I’m in the middle of my first grow and I’m seeing some curling of the fan leaves in some of my plants and I feel they are trying to tell me something but I have no clue what. I would appreciate any advice in looking into what I could be doing wrong, details below.
Plants came from...