As a Master Electrician with a private electrical contracting business...…. my first suggestion to everyone if in doubt call a licensed company, do not take the info you find on the internet as correct! Province to province and state to state the rules are all differnet. There's not one set of...
First thing I would look for on any off brand knock off you buy online is a UL or CSA stamp on it. That alone says if it even qualifies to be used in north America. You should not be getting any kind of shock or jolt when you touch anything if it was made properly.
I voted before I had time to comprehend and process the question fully **dabbing** I over looked ballast and thought fuck ya cause I use the same reflector for all my lights but use different ballasts…….
Not sure about the ballasts working both CMH and HPS...… User manual?
My new addition to...
Canada is DEFINITELY not that way. For us the off peak power this time of year is 7pm-7am for all power coming into your service. It is just over 50% cheaper to run.