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  • are you getting 28-30 grams though cause i bought 3 dimes and that costed me 30 bucks and 3 dimes is only 3 grams and i live in el paso too thats why im wondering if you got a good connect or what
    OMG....30 for a zone of skunk in El Paso? got it better than anyone else! I use to live in Killeen ( K-Town) many moons ago and remember how plentiful it I'm on the east coast and these prices suck...gota go where its cheaper or learn to grown your own ( or both...haha). Anyway, so what does a girl gota do to get with those prices....could a tourist on vacation come thru El Paso and chill out at local Hispanic clubs and flea markets and find that skunk pretty readliy availiable bcuz you rite on the border? How safe is it near the border? Drug lords shooting it out and shit? Thanks for any help you can offer....
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