Recent content by 619Grow

  1. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.

    If you need any withdrawel tips lemme know. It fucking sucks but there are a few solid things you can do to make it more manageable.
  2. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.

    Ah, ya dude, been there done that. My girl and I got into Heroin in our early 20's. we kicked it with help from Suboxone,.. we parted ways and like 5 years later she says I should try Kratom its like a legal H high.... i order that shit, yeah you get high as fuck but holy hell is it nasty...
  3. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.

    Oh yeah, i was just thinking how am I gonna get some herb when we get to HI. Last time there got lucky and met a dude at the hotel that smoked every night at the same time like clockwerk on the beach. not sure if he worked there or if he was staying there but he hooked it up.
  4. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.

    Fuck man! Im heading to Kauai in a few months, heard there were dead chickens all over the place!>?! lol, population control. Man I miss the islands so much hope everyone there came out okay after the hurricane. fucking hawaii streams and rivers are already overflowing cant imagine with a nutty...
  5. 6

    Small worms

    I like your tips man, i think i will put some white paper underneath my drying crop, thx
  6. 6

    Small worms

    Dude. This was me today. Tried to move a couple spiders from plant I cut down to my other ones still growing, was successful like 3-5 times. The spiders were the like almost white translucent ones. quick lil fuckers but I appreciate what they do. Also those white worms/caterpillers/budworms...
  7. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.

    Hehe. Thanks brotha, wouldnt been able to post without your help, cheers
  8. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.
  9. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.

    Minimum Requirements The number of posts you have created must exceed: 2 (Yours: 4) The number of Likes you've received must exceed: 2 (Yours: 2) The Like:Post Ratio must exceed: -1% (Yours: 50%) The number of days you have been registered must exceed: 1 (Yours: 2893)
  10. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.

    Cant Post Links cause Im a newb. Lol. Think i need a like or something. Newb status confirmed
  11. 6

    First time growing in about 10 years. Documented my day harvesting one of my Girls.

    Tiring but fun day. Wasn't quite ready to harvest yet but had some pressure due to its size, smell and location lol. Started at like 9am today, ended at like 6pm. Its a full outdoor Tangie Strain, smells of Tangerines. Imgur Galleries : New
  12. 6

    Flowering close ups

    Havn't grown in like 10 years but I think this guy is coming along alright. Still has a little ways to go however. Have a bigger plant that's taking longer for the Trichomes to come in, guess thats normal for a bigger plant? Strain is Tangie crossed with something else, have to ask my friend...
  13. 6

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Do I just need to dig into this sucker and cut flush? Still 'lotta long leaves. I only really cut off the big fan leaves, hung then threw in a glass jar. Doing the cutting/trimming now. Is there a disadvantage to doing now that its dry? thanks,