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  • Hey so I was doing some research and well it led me to you lol. Aside from that I live in Florida too. Central Florida. I was just wondering where to look for wild shrooms of course we have forests but it's getting chilly and I don't wanna go out there for nothing lol. (I've been smoking forever and tried some things, but I'm new to psychs I've only tripped 4 times twice on 8ths of shrooms and 2 tabs)
    Hey bro I saw you order off of truffle magic .com and was wondering if u lived In the states thanks.
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    Reactions: bertaluchi
    Yeah I ordered a few years back but I don't think they ship to the States any more. Good shit though.
    hey old friend, what's happening?
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    Reactions: bertaluchi
    Hey Rosey, I'm still rocking down here in Florida. We are balls deep in this election. We have medical marijuana on the ballot so now we are in the thick of trying to get it passed. Our opposition is flush with cash due to Sheldon Adleson. If you're not familiar with him, he is a casino baron from Vegas and is one of the 20 richest people in the world. He donated $10M to the No On 2 campaigne How have you been?
    Yeah buddy, we've got the same kind of nonsense here minus Adleson ;) I've been good, just harvested my first hydro not too long ago. it turned out amazing!! I sent you a PM a few minutes ago, some info in there you might wanna see
    Hey i saw an old thread , my question is, i live in the south too, Alabama, i want to orderer
    Hollandia, is it ok to order from the Netherlands? I want to have
    magical holidays, only did shroom once,i loved it,
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