Recent content by 4No0b

  1. 4No0b

    Nute Flush

    That's an issue I'm having right now.. There's too much info. And it starts to be difficult to Know what's bullshit and not. eg. "watering with milk and flat beer"
  2. 4No0b

    nute block solution

    I seem to have nute block (too much cofee grounds) shall i water my plans with milk or just distilled water (growing on soil)? I recently had rainy days so i tried to lower a bit the ph with cofee grounds but it seem that there were too much. so i want to slightly raise my Ph...
  3. 4No0b

    how much?

    thank you! i will use some cfl's. the great white is alredy in one week of flowering and has some small buds.. it will take 3-5 more weeks to get to the point. and i'm tottaly with you when you say that i dont have to be spoon fed.. and again muchas gracias!!!! :)
  4. 4No0b

    how much?

    Here they are the photos
  5. 4No0b

    how much?

    it is not like spoon feeding the thing is that i'm reeding too much stuff and some guys tell me stuff i need to come and come clear. iwas asking because i've read that the 12/12 cycle is the best cycle to flower (i have some alredy giving the 12/12 treatment) the issue was if i should invest...
  6. 4No0b

    how much?

    I have a cream caramel plant with only 30cm. It happers that is starting to flowering. Recently i had to move the plant inside due to weather conditions (the plant was getting soaked outside). Although she is staring to flowering i still want her to grow a bit more.. How nuch light shall i give...
  7. 4No0b

    What to do Now? existencial crysis

    I thought it was the right section since they're fowering and I'm getting redy for harvesting... Not right now my cream caramel has only 30cm (late planting) and my white shark has 20cm (late and over watering). Eventhough my white shark is already in the first of four weeks of flowering
  8. 4No0b

    Nute Flush

    Nop I they don't show any signs of nute burn. I used peroxide once when one of them staggered it's growth because lack of oxigen in the roots. my friends used cinnanon because they said that capsesein enchanced the flavor.. but oh well they're pot heads :rolleyes: Mg is with manesium sulphate...
  9. 4No0b

    What to do Now? existencial crysis

    My babies started flowering (great white has several buds forming cream caramel is barely noticeable) but started raining outside where I had them... I had to bring them inside. shall I put them in a dark place or in an illuminated place... If i illuminate the cram caramel plant more than 12/12...
  10. 4No0b

    Nute Flush

    I saw George cervantes saying that flushing the week before harvest would remove the taste of nute even in organics.
  11. 4No0b

    Nute Flush

    yes I have drainage, otherwise the roots would rot (happened) you have a picture here
  12. 4No0b

    Nute Flush

    soil in a 4gal vase
  13. 4No0b

    Nute Flush

    I've added some organic nutes to my plants when I thought they had N deficiency (I was overwatering). I've read that with organic nutes I'shouldnt use H2O2. So insted of doing the traditional nute flush is it ok to just add some H2O2? oh and cinnanon does it really enchance flavor as some Mg2+?
  14. 4No0b

    After harvesting what's next?

    When you harvest your plant will she die or regrow from the roots? Shall I clone it? If I don't harvest will she continue to live?
  15. 4No0b

    White spots

    Hi there I have some little white spots in my plants which disappear whenever i rub them. I don't know if it is due to the garlic solution I'm using to spray them or is it mold (because some leaves have small hole in them). Btw is there anything better than garlic to an ants pest? (natural...