Recent content by 420theysaid

  1. 4

    How do you feel about topping auto flowers?

    So true but, how did you help it recover? Do you also have any photos?
  2. 4

    How do you feel about topping auto flowers?

    Same goes for me I just might be a bad toper
  3. 4

    How do you feel about topping auto flowers?

    But will the auto flower continue to grow like a photo period?
  4. 4

    Is this normal for a seedling?

    what? It's spouting what the problem \
  5. 4

    First grow in a 2x2

    nice what you feeding her?
  6. 4

    How do you feel about topping auto flowers?

    I want to create more main sites for my auto flower but, I also don't want want to stunt my growth what should I do?
  7. 4

    Are these too close?

    yeah to me they are to close.
  8. 4

    Are these too close?

    you might want to back it up like 1 1/2 foot idk tbh but I'm trying to help
  9. 4

    Are these too close?

    it depends on how many watts the lights pulls but, yes your light is too close.