Recent content by 420.Ganja.Girl.420

  1. 4

    First Time Grower - The Secret Garden

    My plant is really doing well. It's over 12" tall now, nice and green, and pleasantly fragrant. I took the hood off and am just using CFLs because the plant got too tall, it was touching the grow lights. It's 8 weeks now since I planted. I've been using the AG nutrients. I'll try and post a pic...
  2. 4

    Do you have any regrets?

    Thanks for sharing, deprave. All the more proof that a plant can do wonders. :)
  3. 4

    First Time Grower - The Secret Garden

    I had 2 CFLs on a bendy-neck desk lamp, in front of the AG. The bulbs were about 4-5 inches away from the plant. I have considered using them again, but setting them a couple feet away. But my plant seems to be growing at least an inch a day, so I'm not concerned about light
  4. 4

    I have no idea. I am just starting on my first grow and have never seen plants before. You're...

    I have no idea. I am just starting on my first grow and have never seen plants before. You're better off asking in one of the forums. There are some really knowledgeable people here. Good Luck.
  5. 4

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    I would have waited until you got all the could try them in soil and then replant them in the promises though.
  6. 4

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    The 21 day waiting period? I didn't read the whole law document(s), but you're able to buy after 21 days OR the State cashes your $100 application check, whichever comes first. They're backed up till at least April on getting the cards out. I'm excited! No more shitty weed!
  7. 4

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    I went to the Liberty 420 Clinic in Ann Arbor on Saturday to get my MM card. The whole process took about 2 hours; they don't usually have a doctor there on Saturdays, but were running special appointments. Despite what the paperwork and people say, it was only $200 without medical papers, not...
  8. 4

    First Time Grower - The Secret Garden

    The heat and light were definitely too much for Lil' Miss Plant. She is growing like...well....a weed! The bottom 2 leaves still have the brownish tips, but I assume that's not going to reverse itself. I decided to go with the AG nutrients. I have the Master Gardener kit and the guide I...
  9. 4

    First Time Grower - The Secret Garden

    Well, I cut down the lights and let in some more air, and it seems to be helping. The yellowish tinge and brown tips are still there, but it hasn't gotten worse. I also started nutrients today. Here's a pic.
  10. 4

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    Yup, I heard they don't always have a doc there. So I'm definitely making an appointment!
  11. 4

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    I live 2 hours away from AA, so I want to make sure I get seen if I go. Is it better to call ahead and make an appointment? I could only go on a Saturday or Sunday; do they have regular weekend hours?
  12. 4

    Scamming into the system

    Some hip lawmaker needs to add "sex drive" to the list of acceptable symptoms. Hell, it makes my husband happier than me, and he's not the smoker. ;) Deprave, you have some really good points there. I am really enjoying reading the thoughts in this Michigan group; I'm seeing the issue from a...
  13. 4

    First Time Grower - The Secret Garden

    Welcome! I just found this wonderful community a few weeks ago. Say, Yukon Territory is Canada, correct? And they have pretty lax laws on they have any Medical Marijuana laws? If so, you could look into getting your MM card, that would make it legal to carry, and you wouldn't...
  14. 4

    First Time Grower - The Secret Garden

    Like I said, my only other option is to move it to the basement. My house is designed in such a way that I have limited hiding space. The attic is way too hot, apparently this 2nd floor closet is way too hot, there's no useful space on the first floor, so I think the basement is my next...
  15. 4

    First Time Grower - The Secret Garden

    I *feel* that there is too much light bombarding my plant, so I am going to switch off the CFLs for a while and just go on the AG lights to see what happens. I'm going to grab some nutrients this weekend and probably start on them next week. Monday will be week 4.