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  • Hey! I see you're still hangin round! I hope the world has has been treating you good. Me, I have been trying to find how to get to Mars. I know the general direction. Ideas???
    Alls the same man. Actually Ordered some beans and have a Columbian Gold x Jo's OG coming out next. Looks pretty dank so far. Were you back packing?
    Where you at Man!
    hey man! I was away on vacation. Away from tech and away from everything. Just got back. Unpacked my curing box and got this wonderful whiff of the most wonderful bouquet of sweet smells!
    Finally got a nice harvest of 50g from my Cinderella 99 and Blueberry combined. I'm the happiest guy around =)
    Now I can say I got a nice grow! FINALLY! hahaha

    How've you been? Good summer? How's RIU been?
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