Recent content by 3rd

  1. 3rd

    White Flakes?

    Thanks for the replies. I sprayed water on them which has been my primary first line of defense. I used Bug blaster a few days ago but that has been the only safe pesticide used I am trying for a pesticide free harvest :). This is an alcove on my patio that has a dirt floor so I converted it to...
  2. 3rd

    White Flakes?

    My plants are bearing harvest and attacks seem to be increasing from various insects. Is this related to the fragrance the plants emit? These white flakes appeared when I returned. I sprayed and they disappeared but returned this morning. Any clue so that I may treat appropriately?
  3. 3rd

    A Blue Bug?

    I think it was a sac of eggs that was killed by the bug blaster. There was a black layer at the bottom and after viewing the photos I noticed a change in the outer layer as if the protective layer was melting and exposed individual sac's or a blue brain looking material. It's an invader I just...
  4. 3rd

    A Blue Bug?

    I wish it was a skittle
  5. 3rd

    A Blue Bug?

    Must be some good stuff, everyone wants to get in on the action :)
  6. 3rd

    A Blue Bug?

    Geez I left the girls for two days and come back to white flakes and a Blue Green bug! Never seen this in my life! Found it while spraying Bug Blaster (in anticipation of questions - in case the bug spray turned something that color). I have no idea. I freaked and burned it before it could...
  7. 3rd

    White tips?

    thanks the white spots are not as prevalent today. Thanks
  8. 3rd

    White tips?

    I have no idea. Outside 75 in the tent probably different. What are you thinking?
  9. 3rd

    White tips?

    Any clue what this is growing on the tips of my water leaves?
  10. 3rd

    Is this a Hermie?

    Thank you
  11. 3rd

    Is this a Hermie?

    Thanks I've got the time to let them go monster!
  12. 3rd

    Is this a Hermie?

    This is my first batch in the Alcove I have six plants growing I had 9 but removed 3 of them as they were not getting enough light. The bottoms are flowering but not as strong as the tops. Will I be able to harvest the tops and allow the bottoms to continue once they start getting light?
  13. 3rd

    Is this a Hermie?

    1000w hps 4X4 grow room in the ground of a covered patio (best of both worlds indoor lighting outside grow). The plant in question is in the corner of the grow area and light seeps in from the porch light which may cause stress.
  14. 3rd

    Is this a Hermie?

  15. 3rd

    Is this a Hermie?

    I don't believe they look like thise in this picture.